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the popular kids

the popular kids are just kids with an upside down brain who think that covid-19 isn't real. They hang out in groups of 7-15 people and don't wear masks during this time. The older ones like to harass, tease, and bully the shit out of kids that are not how they want them to be. The younger ones manipulate the older non popular/semi popular kids. The younger popular kids are known to be as sly as a fox and it can take a matter of a few months to get lured into their real trap where a group of kids are watching. Kids with adhd are most likely the ones to get lured into their trap.

Cody: So, Wyatt? How was your experience with the popular kids last year?

Wyatt: Shitty. I have dealt with the fuckers for 3 years. They are the reason for my undiagnosed clinnical depression. They are the reason why I think it's my fault that COVID-19 got worse here in America.

Cody: Yeah the same thing happened to me. I got suspended for my anger issues. One of the popular kids named Quinn kept making jokes about an incident that happened a year ago. I had enough so I dropped the motherfucker.

Uh Wyatt, are you listening to what I am sayi--

Wyatt: He's a dead motherfuckin man now.

by Anonomous4002 June 20, 2020

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Popular Kids

loud, fake, annoying, and all around a good time

iโ€™m going to hang out with the popular kids today at the party.

by benjammin17 March 19, 2019

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Popular kid

Boy โ€“ a popular boy is one who has played sports from a young age and is well-known amongst others in the school. The popular boy often bullies the nerds for their hobbies. A large amount of girls dream of having sex with the popular boy because of his excellent physique and an (un)lucky few succeed at parties.

Girl โ€“ a popular girl is a gobby bitch who always had something to complain about. She will often wear long acrylic nails and incredibly revealing clothing, and her face is caked in makeup. While she would only ever date popular boys, she may manipulate the nerds into thinking she has a thing for them in order to gain certain favours, such as answers to homework. The popular girl will go to parties all the time and end up passed out and being shagged by a popular boy. She may even get pregnant.

School years are the peak of the popular kids' lives. They will mess around and get poor grades, but once they're out in the real world they are lost. They often end up with kids before the age of 25 and working low-paid jobs.


Person 1: Remember Jack from secondary school?

Person 2: Jack from the rugby team, who smashed my head in in Year 10 because he thought I looked at his girlfriend funny?

Person 1: Yes. Well, check this out. (Shows phone) Jack's been sentenced to five years in prison and a restraining order for domestic abuse. Three different women testified against him.

Person 2: It goes to show. I wonder if he'll be as popular in prison as he was at our school.


Person 1: Remember Mel from secondary school?

Person 2: Mel who had a new boyfriend every other week?

Person 1: Yeah, her. I bumped into her while I was out yesterday. She's just given birth to her third child, she doesn't even know who the father is so she's struggling quite a bit. She looks a mess, nothing like how she did at school.

Person 2: Wow, she's only 23 and has three children. It goes to show, I guess. Popular kids peak during secondary school, the rest of their lives is just survival.

by Burning_Ham December 18, 2022

Popular kid

basically a bunch of moronic idiotic people who think they're only goal in life is to be popular at school and get everyone's attention and constantly bother people,for example where I'm from I'm from Puerto Rico which means the the kids here are total s**** they play music like reggaeton or rap and it's really f****** trash, they think that bullying someone into doing something really stupid is really funny,they are somehow the face of the high school even though they absolutely do nothing but vape and fall asleep in class and skip, to be honest I don't know how the f*** they made it this far,

what's funny is that I like how they think they're so tough they think that they can just come up to you and say what up n**** or something like that.

somehow within their group of friends they think it's okay to insult each other constantly and say how much their crap and just completely throw them out the window because they think it's all right for that to be in a friendship group when really it's not

I honestly don't consider myself the outcast I consider myself a person who just absolutely does his own thing I don't care about the popular kids I don't care about the nerds I don't care about the weed I'm here for myself man

Popular kid: EYo CaNtO De MaMaBiChO!!!

Me: ah if it isn't the man who had the total IQ of a godamn moth

by The truffle December 29, 2021

popular kids

Those mean bitches everyone "likes"

Ben: Dude are those the popular kids
Jude:Yeah I hate them

by the_exorcist April 29, 2018

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popular kids

People who are often used as scape goats by kids he feel out of place in high schools. Usually singled out for being more succesful and happy with themselvs.

Emo Kid- I hate popular people because they are all conformist pigs who aren't unique

me-No, no, no. You are just jelous that they are more succesful and happy about themselvs. I am not popular but I don't go and bitch about what they are doing because I can enjoy life

by free thought master June 22, 2005

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Popular Kids

Boys- The popular boys usually play sports, except for the "funny" one. They are usually in NIKE sportswear and are the envy of every other guy, mainly because they know the pretty girls.

girls- they are always up on the fashion andusually never have bad hair. Their skin glows and is usually acne free. Popular girls usually have that glow of confidence that everyone notices, they always look good no matter what. They can usually be found parading around school in cheer leading uniforms or Varsity Softball jackets.

almost populars- The kids who know all the popular kids and can sometimes fit in with the group. Some of the popular kids are still mean to them but most arent. They might be tjust a little too wierd or awkward to make the cut of being popular.

Summary- popular kids are the kids who everyone looks at with envy. They have the right friends, right parties, the right style, the right everything.

look in your schools hallways and find the kids who are fashionable, goodlooking, and always seem to be having fun. because those are the popular kids.

by MissiParks June 12, 2012

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