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another word for 'body'

the more drinks in your system, the harder the fight!

by DJ S August 15, 2004

64πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


Systemism is a philosophy founded by a young, California born, aspiring philosopher by the name of Dakota Spann.

The First Tenant of Systemism is:

Every conscious entity with the ability to feel both happiness and non-happiness logically has from thence a direct, intrinsic and unalienable purpose to pursue the former.

The Second Tenant of Systemism is:

The way in which happiness can be most logically obtained is through an integrated system on an individual's environment which applies the desired outcome of the first tenant universally. That is, a system which causes the most happiness for every individual contained within it.

The Basic Statement of Systemism:

Happiness is purpose and knowing how to best obtain it is morality.

Systemism is the base for a truly civil society.

by my_name_is_Freedo March 8, 2010

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A high power Computer,with all the latest gear.

damn you got a sweet ass system

by Dirwin December 12, 2005

39πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

the system

A societal structure created by humans in order to create security and order in our society. It is the reason why our technology is as advanced as it is and also the only thing that prevents our society from spiraling into total chaos. However, it's often blamed by people who aren't successful or have had unlucky circumstances which is sometimes justifiable due to the amount of racism and police brutality that's still going on to this day. It's also the reason why our environment is in such a messed up state because of the amount of dependency it has on economic profits.

The main problem with the system is that it is very hesitant towards change. A lot of people heavily despise the system because of this and wish they were able to get rid of the system altogether. However, if we get rid of the system altogether, our whole civilization would be in complete chaos. So, instead of trying to get rid of the system, we should all make an effort to improve it to be more tolerable and accepting towards positive change.

by Dubiks March 10, 2019

15πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


short form of system of a down

"did you get the new system album 'steal this album'?"
"yea it was kickass"

by John March 28, 2005

38πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

system of systems

Generally, layered AI and/or non-AI subsystems working together to accomplish some goal or some compilation of goals. May also be seen in the context of a β€˜tech stack’; but moreover a β€˜stack of tech stacks’.

We were driven home by an autonomous vehicle, which is a system of systems.

by coopergraham June 3, 2023

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

the system

Anything that is blamed when something goes wrong and cannot be solved, or simply when someone is just too lazy to move his ass to do some work specially in an organization or public service.

Banker1: Hi Paula, what's wrong,
Banker2: Hi, I broke my neck with Andy, we had a tough night yesterday.

chitchat continues..... few minutes later a customer comes

Customer: Hi, I need to withdraw 2k$ please.
Banker2:...Well unfortunately we cannot perform your query right now
Banker2: Because the system is down, come back tomorrow please.

by Systen December 27, 2016

10πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž