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Consuming a Cadbury's Flake in a manner highly suggestive of fellatio.

Sally rolled back the wrapper on the chocolate and performed flake-tio on it.

by Mangetout September 22, 2006

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tio simon

Tio simon is the best gc on stan twitter with an iconic mascot.

omg have you already heard of the Tio simon gc?? they're truly iconic.

by measf1111 February 28, 2021

Cecelia Tio

The best girl ever. This the kind of girl that all guys want. Anytime a guy sees her they fall head over heals and will try to do anything for her.

"Hey dude do you see that girl over there?" " Yeah that is Cecelia Tio."

by Wildman1230 August 18, 2011

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pronunciation: TEE-ohh TEE-bow

acronym for Turn It Off, Turn It Back On

Simple and effective universal repair technique for anything electronic. Especially effective with computers, XBox's, Playstations, iPods, cellphones etc. Adavanced TIO/TIBO repairs may also require removing the power source to the device, whether a battery or power cable.

Dude 1: oh man, my 360 just crashed again. I thinks its toast
Dude 2: TIO/TIBO

by NRZ March 21, 2008

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Dick Tio

The middle man in a trans sexual threesome.

That tranny looks like she got Dick Tio'd last night.

by The Ballchinian May 22, 2023


The pro-gay rights protest involving fellatio on another man whilst inside a Chik-fil-A restaurant. Involves way more commitment and gayness than the "kiss-in" on August 3rd.

Lazy gay Robert said he was gobbling some cock during his lunch break. I think he gave some Chik-fil-A-tio for a free sammich. He said he can't wait for that big cock to slide down his throat, then that big cock to slide down his throat. double entendre(who talks like that?)

by palmspringsrider August 5, 2012

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no hay tu tio

meaning "i wanna have sex with you" in a secret language. can be used when you really wanna tell your partner you wanna fuck them but you are in a public place.

boyfriend: babe?
girlfriend: ???
boyfriend: *seductively* no hay tu tio

by c0mosellama September 29, 2020