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trickle down economics

n. The most absurd economic theory that ever existed. It includes giving the rich large sums of money. Accordingly, the wealthy will then hoarde the money into banks and there will therefore, be less money in circulation.

Herbert Hoover used trickle down economics, taking money from the poor and giving it to the wealthy. He is responsible for the Great Depression.

by SpacePope March 5, 2004

127πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž

Trickle-Down Autism

When a parent/guardian or elder sibling's stupidity start to affect the younger generation.

Friend:Josh is even stupider than his older brother!
Other Friend: Yeah, he mus have Trickle-Down Autism.

by Leeroix December 26, 2018

Trickle Down Town

Any type of make-shift community comprised of tents or shanties and populated by those that have been evicted, foreclosed on and/or forced into homelessness due to the down turn of the economy caused by the policies started in the Reagan administration and carried on by both Bush administrations.

The tent city populated by the recent homeless in CA is an example of a Trickle Down Town.

by michaeld420 March 13, 2009

19πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

trickle-down economics

An idiotic excuse for an economic policy. Practiced by President Herbert Hoover, to no beneficial effect.

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

by Albie Wangsta April 13, 2004

60πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

trickle-down economics

when the government informs the β€˜first’ property owners of America through esp about opportunities and the first church to pressure people into attendance.

Trickle-down economics made whites lose property since slavery and the first church be the least financially supported denomination.

by Coop Dupe January 27, 2020

Trickle Down Ass

When you're hanging out with a friend who is better looking then you are, and all the girls go for him, the girls that he doesn't want to hook up with trickle down to you and your less attractive buddies. Derived from the term trickle down economics.

Dumbass Buddy: I hate going out with Cory, all the chicks go after him!

Smart Buddy: Dude, just wait for it.

Dumbass Buddy: Wait for what?

Smart Buddy: The trickle down ass. He can't fuck all these girls, and when they realize that, they'll all trickle down to us.

by Coyote5124 November 19, 2013

trickle-down economics

Since the upper classes of any society (in particular the males in the upper classes) tend to masturbate more than the proletariat, it's thought their semen and vaginal discharge can help fertilize those in the poorer reaches of said society - this is trickle-down economics. Giving bankers tax breaks will free up more of their time for masturbation, allowing for more ejaculate, and more enrichment of the lower classes. Since rich persons tend on average to produce less semen and vaginal fluid, the word 'trickle' rather than 'gush' or 'explode' is used.

milton friedman was a big believer in trickle-down economics

by megafapper1995 December 4, 2017

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž