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Trumped-up charges

Criminal charges which are so untrue, stupid, impossible and offensive that you just want to punch someone in the face.

Kevin's been looking for a fight, ever since the cops arrested him on those bullshit trumped-up charges.

by Kez 4 Prez April 13, 2017

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Shut the Trump up

What you tell people who cant get over the fact that Trump won the election.

Hey bro, im still depressed about Trump winning.

Me; Shut the trump up, and get move on with life.

by KovehShteeble December 14, 2016

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trumped up allegations

making false allegations thats misleading to the general public to push forward a political and socio economic agenda thats allign with the far left ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

the democratic party blames donald trump for mass shootings these allegations are trumped up allegations

by dwongsang August 6, 2019

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Trumped-up charges

Criminal charges resulting from the act of colluding with a hostile foreign power to steal an election

The "president" was arrested and impeached due to the special counsel bringing Trumped-up charges.

by RS Muller December 28, 2017

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Trumped-up trickle-down

A variation of a golden shower, this lewd sex act involves paying underage prostitutes to urinate on an object which represents your enemy or rival.

Bobby also seems to want Vanessa, so I grabbed his letter jacket while he was distracted to give it the ol' Trumped-up trickle-down. Can I borrow a tarp?

by OlSlickWillie January 11, 2017

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Trumped-Up Trickle-Down

Trickle-down economics, but more YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE!
The term was coined by Hillary Clinton during the first 2016 Presidential Debate to describe Donald Trump's tax plan.

"I call it 'Trumped-Up Trickle-Down,' because that's exactly what it would be."
-Hillary Clinton

by NEROtick September 28, 2016

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Ya done trumped up

A replacement for the phrase "ya done goofed up", based off of the idiot who we now refer to as our "president"


"I just dropped all of my mom's expensive old China"
"Ya done trumped up"

(A little less common):
"I just put a ban on refugees"
"Ya done trumped up"

by najtrumpsupporters February 3, 2017

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