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turquoise thunder

Something you yell when your taking a break from all that pot, and you want to warn your friends who are smoking that a parental unit is approaching.

Turqoise Thunder!! Hide the bong!

by matt June 15, 2004

1๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

turquoise-brained idiot

someone who did something so idiotic that the color or their brain is turquoise

Jamey: so yesterday i entered so hospital without a mask so i can get tested for covid-19 and i was told to leave so i yelled at them, and spit on them!
Josh: Jamey you turquoise-brained idiot you need a mask.

by weetoman1987 January 11, 2021

Project Turquoise Snowflake

PTS for short, Project Turquoise Snowflake an upcoming Canadian Film being produced in Nelson BC , written and directed by Robyn Sheppard.

With global warming escalating and eco-terrorists attacking oil companies, an unlikely group of teens organize a youth driven movement, which challenges an indolent Canadian government to step up and show global leadership.

Stan Blomme: sorry, cant hang out. im on set design for PTS.

Chad Morrison: wtf is that.

Stan Blomme: Project Turquoise Snowflake loollzzz

by artistOTC February 17, 2011

15๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

flaming turquoise necktie

While having anal sex, you pull out and smack your cock on the girl or guys chest leaving the necktie bruise. The fecal matter around the bruise then looks like a flame.

see turquoise

I gave this chick a flaming turquoise necktie last night after I said it was the wrong hole.

by 9th Wonder January 15, 2006

10๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Turquoise Wendelward

The best healer in all of Freehold

Vin: Wow, who is that dwarf who just healed all of my injuries in five seconds?
Nayash: That's Turquoise Wendelward. She's a better healer than I could ever hope to be.

by Nayash December 4, 2013

Turquoise Balls

When a man is both sexually deprived and jealous

"Damn, I haven't had sex in ages. I have the worst blue balls"

"Sounds like you got a little green jealousy mixed in there my guy. He stole your girl."

"Oh no... you're right. I have turquoise balls"

by Yo Mama's skydiving accident November 10, 2020

cyan turquoise and light blue

when 3 people get confused with colors

white: cyan killed
red: no turquoise killed
blue: no its white blue
yellow: isn't cyan turquoise and light blue the same thing?

by BlockmanDefinitions October 10, 2022