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unconscious coupling

To go out, drink yourself into oblivion, then end up getting it on with someone without any recollection of how it all happened.

After the divorce, Chris went out, drank a litre of vodka and woke up, hungover, in a strange house with a naked woman. He'd clearly been unconscious coupling again.

by TheLittleBear April 1, 2014

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unconscious revenge

Revenge that is acted out without the conscious realization the actions derived from a former physical or mental encounter of pain. An anger long forgotten in the mind that caused the individual to build their own form of reality, making life long decisions with good intentions but selfish results.

In 1960 his business was socially unaccepted by Christian business people. He later became a self proclaimed preacher to atone his misfortune. However through unconscious revenge he led his congregation into cultism.

by Sonofanonprofit February 19, 2016

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unconscious lesbian

A female who is very much unaware of their homosexuality, and is basically a lesbian, but just doesn't realize it.

Person 1: Why does Marika get so nervous around other girls? She blushes and gets so fidgety around them.
Person 2: Dude, she's an unconscious lesbian.

by Matsun-tsunrin September 9, 2018

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Unconscious bias

It's not real. You can't treat anyone differently based on their ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation without knowing. People know exactly what they're doing. The notion that unconscious bias exists contradicts the fact that people aren't taught racism when racism is a taught thing.

Unconscious bias is a myth, get over it!

by Rotten Turkey May 31, 2022

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Unconscious Prom Night

What someone did during Prom hours when they did not attend Prom. Usually refers to people who could not afford to go to Prom or did not have a date.

Jackson : So what did you do during your unconscious prom night?
Chris : Oh... uhh... WoW, Dota... Pr0n.

by Solemn May 25, 2008

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the law of unconscious consent

If a girl would sleep with you while they're sober, but end up passing out due to alcohol or other reasons; it's still ok to have sex with them in their unconscious state.

"dude how did you get any action last night? she was passed out cold!"
"I used the law of unconscious consent!"

by eziggs18 July 18, 2009

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Unconscious Crotch Grab

When, in the presence of others, one grabs or covers their genital region with their hands unconsciously, while seated in a spread-eagle position. May be a visual cue suggesting dominance, or lack of appropriate social boundaries in general.

Should not be confused with an unconscious crotch point, which may be a sign of flirting or self-aggrandizing.

"I was in a meeting with Joe earlier and he did an unconscious crotch grab in front of Lisa and Marie; they both looked appalled but he didn't even realize it!"

by EMBR602 March 14, 2013

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