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Usurp is a tatt.i got done after finding the word by random tapping on the phone. It means to take over illegally or by force.

Usurp rap song by 'E2G0', a neat new shith, "where tay king over no mercy'.'

by Bryn Benn April 16, 2020


I made this word, fuck you Oarth

Usurp my balls

by Redisitic April 26, 2024

Shower Usurper

A person who, When they stay over at a house other to their own, Feels entitled to use Someone else's Shower without Asking.

"Don't you invite that guy over he's a fucking Shower Usurper".

by Cross Cocoa October 3, 2021


this word can be used for typically, or usually.

“I don’t usurpation do that, but I’ll try it tm

by usurpationbaddie March 27, 2022