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NOT EDWARD...more like Dracula, Louie, or Lestat.
They don't sparkle, and the usually dont fall in love with ugly homey looking teenagers.

They are protayed in movies to drink blood, kill, nocturnal creatures, and very old.

REAL EXAMPLE FROM MY SOPHOMORE ENGLISH CLASS:dumb blonde "Dracula,vampire? Oh you mean like twilight"

meh "you dumb cunt, Dracula could destroy bella edward and those dumb werewolves with his pinky in less time then you could say 'twilight sucks', but if you're really that deprived of the world or a brain then yes like twilight."

by Lilith Rose April 30, 2009

87๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž


A blood-sucking mythical creature who is NOT a sparkling douchebag in a fucking tree. Vampires are way more badass than that and shouldn't appeal to prepubescent girls who think they're so scene for liking it.

Aww man, that Twilight shit. That's not a vampire. That's what we call a homosexual.

by KKNWNDRLND December 29, 2010

44๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


A crazed fangirl who believes that she is, in fact, one of Stephanie Meyer's vampire characters in the most plot-lacking book published in 2006, Twishite. Will often pretend that she has Insomnia and make herself look pale with the use of make-up. Likes to believe that she lives in depression due to issues that have come up in her life. Will do anything to defend Twilight.

Non-fan: Twilight sucks.

Nf: It has no plot.
Fg: Your face has no plot.
Nf: Vampires suck.
Fg: *sets other crazed fangirls on Nf*

No exp. needed.

by Geekseason2 August 30, 2009

41๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


A girl who enjoys biting your neck and use your cock as a lollipop to suck the cum from it

Man 1 : What happened to your neck ?
Man 2 : My gf is a vampire

by Elvenstar February 21, 2017

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A non-sparkling, straight, scary, sun-fearing creature.
2. The opposite of the creature described in the Twilight books.
3. A series in fantasy/horror literature that has been ruined by a series called Twilight.
4. Not a vegetarian

"That vampire is pretty scary!"
"I'm glad he's a vampire, not a sparklepire!"

by anna_animagus May 24, 2010

39๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


A vampire is a human who feeds on blood (more recognisably human blood): they are better known to be drinking blood at night due to their sensitivity to sunlight.

Vampires use many tactics to achieve blood; mostly by luring their prey into the trap (sometimes into bed, other times into a secluded area), then taking that swift bite (usually when they're asleep or weakened).

Becoming a vampire is achieved through the transmission of the saliva from a vampire. This is done via feeding (which is done to the neck most often).

Anyone can become a vampire: a child, a man and a woman: even the elderly - providing the person was not completely drained of blood.
Once the virus has been transmitted, it will take about three days for the virus to take hold (new organs being made, traits and attributes being modified etc.)

Vampires look exactly like a human; just the incisors bring out the change. This works extremely well prior to attacking the victim.

Vampires are portrayed to have weaknesses - the most likely ones are to silver, or to garlic (or garlic extracts). Sunlight should be deemed as a sensitivity due to the number of vampires being able to transcend through the sun.

Dracula is a good example of a traditional vampire; but for more modern vampires; the film series of Blade (Blade 1, 2, and 3) should be reviewed

NB: They are weak to UV light; not dissipated in the definition.

by Demonic-Humanoid August 13, 2008

46๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who eats a lot of pussy or sucks a lot of dick.

Joe- Man Jerry eats pussy like every night.
Johnny- Ya dude he is such a vampire.

by Jackass1739 November 13, 2016

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž