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A stinky poondoggle who resembles a turtle or an elephant.

Ved is an inka salad.

by T-Sep March 2, 2022


a guy who is most likely a loser
someone who is not very grateful for their friends

everyone: oh that's ved
also everyone: oh the loser

by vedboi123 November 23, 2021


My name is ved

My name is ved

by November 25, 2021




by November 25, 2021


short kid he also poses by putting one hand on his tie area and the other hand on his laptop keyboard slightly bent and he looks like Orlando and also he gets an uncontrollable boner when he sees C and if you ask him to get on the game he is probably trying to rub one out

my name ved vyas

by jkjkhjbgurtdesftr778 April 15, 2024

Ved P

He will be a famous tik tok star. He is also known as the GOAT of everything and the sexyboy. No one can stop him.

You can’t hit it like Ved P

by hotgal March 2, 2021