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Pierce The Veil

An amazing band that has saved many lives. They have 3 albums: A flair for the dramatic, Selfish machines, and Collide with the sky. Members include: Vic Fuentes: vocals, Mike Fuentes: drums, Tony Perry: guitar, And Jaime (hi- me, not jay-me) Preciado: bass.

Listening to Pierce The Veil makes life less unbearable

by xxmusicxxsavedxxme January 13, 2014

313๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pierce the Veil

best band to ever exist, not a single bad song

"hey do you listen to Pierce the Veil? "

"yeah i do! they have the best music!"

by ptventhusiast February 17, 2022

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Western veil

A pair of oversized sunglasses currently popular with young female celebrities and sluts alike. In contrast to the Eastern veil, a piece of fabric which masks the face form the nose down, the Western veil masks the face from the nose up and often makes pedolicious girls look older and hotter than they really are.....with huge fly-eyes.

I bought Sarah a Western veil for her birthday. And guess what? She got hot!

by ekstasis16 August 8, 2005

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Vagina Veil

Frontbutt so big it covers the vag.

You should have seen the vagina veil this fat bitch at Wal-Mart had.

by Olivia Twain April 7, 2010

Corporate Veil

Concept in the corpoate business world that protects stockholders from being liable for the debts of the business.
A simple way of understand this is that stockholders can ONLY lose what they invest; creditors of a business CANNOT go after the stockholders for the business's liabilities.

Basically a business can rack up a bunch of debt, go under, and not have pay the difference owed to creditors after liquidating.

This concept does NOT apply to family owned business AKA non-corporations.

The corporate veil is a motherfucker. Lets corporations that go under get away scott free.

by Iconoklastic~ February 17, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pierce The Veil

Just... The best band ever, okay? Don't even try to discuss it.
Vic Fuentes/Vocales
Mike Fuentes/Drums
Tony Perry/Guitar
Jaime Preciado/Bass

+"Do you like Pierce The Veil?"
-"Absolutely! They're my favorite band!"

by Your average fangirl ๐ŸŒš :3 June 14, 2016

44๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Digital Veil

Digital Veil is the third studio album by American heavy metal band The Human Abstract. The album was released on March 8, 2011 .

Digital Veil is pretty much the best shit thats ever been released by every band everywhere. even Bill Nye The Science Guy said so.

Gordon: Dude did you hear Digital Veil bro?

Parker: Fuck yeah nigger lips, i just got done listening to that shit, its my fucking joint.

by Cleiter88 March 11, 2011