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To claim expertise or knowledge in a subject and being ousted by actual experts as a fraud in the process.

Comes from website The Verge's error-filled PC building "guide" released in 2018, that was roasted by hundreds of Youtubers and twitch streamers with actual PC-building experience.

Tyler was goofing off in class because he thought he already knew everything and the prof mercilessly verged him for a solid five minutes when he couldn't do the first problem on the board.

by sadfasdfasdfasdf May 4, 2020

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verged: (slang) Typically referring to a computer so poorly constructed that it barely functions or does not function at all. Can also refer to other electronics projects requiring, either partial or complete, assembly or construction on the part of the end user where the final product is very poorly constructed and of questionable quality with the fault being the user who built it and not the quality of the components used.

Did you see the new computer John built?

Yeah, I saw it. He verged that pretty bad. He clearly didn't know what he was doing.

by ch196h October 7, 2018

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When the limit as k approaches infinity and the series goes to 1, it is inconclusive, or known as verges

Man I after using the root test I found out that the series as k goes to infinity verges.

by Lokinario March 2, 2016

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The Verge

A T.V show that airs on Channel Vuzu in South Africa and is hosted by Pippa Tshabalala . The show is based solely on games whether its on PC , PS3 , XBOX 360 or Mobile phones .The show reviews and previews of various up and coming games

The verge

by End Kreator November 13, 2009

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Verge Culture

The first generation raised with the internet. This group attempts to be defined by ideas rather than stereotypes. They are multi-cultural, tech-savvy, and fashion independent. Connected and innovative early adopters, these tastemakers lead the consumer market in music, fashion, technology, and lifestyles.

Q: How do you find out today's weather?

Baby Boomers Read the Farmer's Almanac.
Generation X Watch TV, dude. There's like a weather channel and stuff.
Verge Culture Check the weather app on your smartphone, duh.

Q: Where is the uvula?

Baby Boomers Let me check my Encyclopedia Britannica...
Generation X uh...I think my girlfriend knows.
Verge Culture You guys are soo slow! Have you never heard of wikipedia?!?!

Q: Who was the...Verge Culture interupts

Verge Culture I don't have time for all this!! I've got music to make, jewelry and clothing to design, and viral messages to spread. Later! Verge Culture leaves...

by Oversat August 11, 2011

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Pulling a Verge

''Pulling a Verge'' means installing RAM sticks (memory modules) wrongly into DIMM slots on a motherboard while building a computer.
This became a term due to The Verge posting a video on YouTube that displayed a person installing RAM sticks the wrong way, making the computer only recognize half of the RAM. The person installed the RAM in DIMM slots next to each other, which cancels Dual Channel, stopping the two memory modules from working together.

''Woah dude, you just pulled a Verge.''

''As soon as I saw her pulling a Verge, I no longer had a crush on her.''

by Oi Big Man July 2, 2019

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trimming the verge

Grooming the uppermost region of pubic hair closest to the stomach. Applies to either sex.

Him: Why have you been in the bathroom for the past half hour?

Her: Trimming the verge.

by HoodooX September 4, 2015