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Beautiful. Just beautiful. Her gorgeous blonde hair flows. Everyone loves her. Her eyes are beautiful. If you meet her or ever date her keep her. She's lovey.

Person1: Violet is gorgeous. I think I lover her.

Person2: if you get her you better keep her.

by Beautiful21 September 3, 2017

53πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Violet is a beautiful individual with green eyes and amazing flowingginger hair. Everyone wants to be her friend and she is super funny even though she can sometimes be shy.

Jill: Omg Violet is super funny and pretty
Anna: Too right!

by llama queen πŸ¦™ November 24, 2018

24πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Violet is a beautiful, loving, socially conscious girl with a great sense of humor. She has amazing fashion sense and everyone wants to be her friend. While she is popular, she uses her powers for good, not evil. She steps in to help the nerds who are being bullied by the jocks and stands up for what is right. She is very intelligent and will likely end up going to Oxford.

what an amazing girl - she must be a Violet!

by little miss pr February 3, 2010

1350πŸ‘ 564πŸ‘Ž


Violet is a smart girl, with big ocean blue eyes, and a gorgeous shade of blonde hair. She loathes to fit in and she changes herself a lot through her life in order to attempt to fit in, not succeeding, but to only look prettier. Violet will meet her first love at the age of 14, and Violet is extremely attracted to boys with brown colored hair. Violet doesn't have the greatest state in mental health and may have made some questionable desicions throughout her life, but she is still an amazing person, with a great personality, and she is extremely fun to talk to, always making bad jokes, and usually, she's the only one that laughs at her own jokes. If you meet a Violet, make her fall in love with you, she's absolutely perfect.

Person A: Woah, is that Violet?

Person B: Yeah, I heard she settles for the smart people. Looks don't matter a ton to her.
Person A: Then go get her! Fall in Love with her and make her fall in love with you! She's perfect!
Person B: Alright, but she only settles for the best from what I heard. It's hard to get her to fall in love with you.

by TrueDefinitionsForTheWorld May 25, 2019

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


shes amazing. shes kind and loyal and popular and funny. she will have loads of amazing friends as she is a good friend herself. she is very pretty and has beautiful hair. you will be blessed to know her !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hi violet

by tbags112233 June 3, 2019


Violet is a strong independent person with brown eyes and brown hair and she can easily kick anyone’s ass and she don’t need no help


Kick-ass girl with brown hair and eyes

by Element_fire November 1, 2019

19πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A beautiful girl who typically will date and end up marrying a blond person named Alex with a last name starting with a R. A girl typically very beautiful and is kinda popular.

Violet is so pretty.

by Acow December 20, 2018

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž