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When something is desired by someone, but the thing is never going to happen, due to the lack of everything which is required.

-Have you ever heard of the wannabe president?
-Donald Trump?

by KAnimals January 19, 2016

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1. A song by The Spice Girls
2. A person who copies their idol for attention

Ashlynn: Oh my gosh Becky, Olivia is such a wannabe
Becky: Ikr. She always copies Alma, and Alma is a Mary Sue

Ashlynn: I wish she'd stop copying people, especially Mary Sues
Becky: I agree. Olivia is a wannabe

by Betty Jo October 16, 2018

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A wannabe is someone in Carlisle who wants to be a gypsy. Carlisle slang ๐Ÿ˜Š

Your a wannabe.

by GypsyGirl112 September 19, 2016

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A Girl who very dumb and who tries to fit in but can't because of their lack of skills.

Hey is that Emil.OMG she such a wannabe

by The Mysterious Cat11 July 19, 2017

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1) My friend Rosie...

Wannabe Rosie: Omg...Blah...blah...McFly...Blah...Blah...My Family...Blah Blah...Elliott Minor...

by ElectroGirl August 10, 2008

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Someone who thinks they are the shiz but they ain't.

Yo, that guy wearing new Jordans like he got hops.
Nah, just a wannabe !

by brentheman July 4, 2016

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wannabe wannabe

The worst form of wannabe. it wants to be everything, will copy everyone's style, will even copy other wannabes but wont get it right, will like rock and rap, burberry and skulls, talk like a chav, but talk about death.

wannabe: omg what are u i wana be like u!
wannabe wannabe: wtf is u mon mes gonna go slit me rists blud, u is a wannabe me is wantin to be just like you blud.

by moomailman July 28, 2006

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