Source Code


A Really Ugly Girl Who Thinks Shes Fine That Has A Fucked Up Face And Her Teeth Looks Like Theres Tusks Coming Out Like A Warthog.

OMG DID YOU SEE THAT WARTHOG. Dude She Needs Some Braces On The Spot I Mean Wtf.

by The Hanster January 23, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


Synonimous with "badass".

That Warthog dude flies an A-10! TOTALLY BADASS!!!

by SOGGuitarHero April 9, 2009

5๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


As in Warty Warthog, codename of a distribution of Ubuntu Linux. As with other releases, it is named after animals (Hoary Hedgehog, Breezy Badger).

In this case the Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus), a wild member of the pig family, that lives in Africa.

Warty means that it has small cauliflower-like growth spots all over its body. Nice...

Ubuntu 4.10 Preview, codenamed "the Warty Warthog", or just "Warty".

by ForgeDMD May 6, 2005

8๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


your piece= a hog
herpes= wartlike lesions
a piece with herpes= warthog

exhibitionist: "dude check out my warthog ! (exposes self)"

non voyeurist: (abhorrently averting eye contact) "dude that's fucking disgusting put that thing away before your insurance company becomes responsible for my lifetime valtrex prescription.

by anonymous2213 October 15, 2008

2๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

A-10 warthog

The A-10s weight is about 10 tons of American freedom and ass kicking firepower is used to vaporize any ak-47 wielding hostile in Americas way. Using a 30.mm cannon to scare the living being out of anyone in its way. The moment you hear the weapon on this is when you crap your pants and run away. Overall the A-10 is pure American engineering and can kick ass across the universe. Aliens would cower in fear to the A-10s American Democracy giving firepower

The A-10 warthog can deliver democracy at any point

by Apexpredator212 June 19, 2014

86๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

A 10 warthog


A 10 warthog go brrrrr

by Notsocashmoney October 29, 2021

Magic Warthog

A Warthog used in a game of Halo 2 long ago that for the duration of an entire Big Team Battle match on Coagulation was not destroyed nor were any of its passengers killed. The Warthog previously mentioned along with its passengers survived dozens of rocket, grenade, banshee bomb, and various other anti-armor attacks for no less than 35 minutes and three flag captures. To this date the feat has not been repeated. The driver of said Warthog took to singing Puff the Magic Warthog while enemies could be heard cursing it as it drove itself forever into the mythos of Halo 2.

"Hey this Warthog has been on fire since like 12 rockets ago!"
"Inorite? Thing must be magic or somethin."
"Lawls, lets go cap some flags since we're apparently invincible."

by zaxbysauce May 14, 2009

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