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referring to the smell of a public restroom after someone takes a huge dump.

dude it smells like a wasteland in there.

by Kumaru March 10, 2008

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the way in playing that makes you like a wastelander from jak 3. wastlanders are violent, rough, skillful in shooting, and rough

boy plays paintball and shoots another kid runs over and attacks him while beating him with his gun and his friend says,"dude stop wastelanding!'

by majoal October 24, 2009

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capital wasteland

1. The main location in a popular video game called Fallout 3 ( Basically a destroyed Washington D . C )

2. The real Washington D . C could still be considered a Capital Wasteland due to crime , crooked cops , crooked politicians , as well as it's strange on again off again gun ban laws that violate the constitution from the same country and so forth.

( example 1 ) Gamer 1 : " I killed a super mutant at the capital wasteland. "

Gamer 2 : " I didn't know you liked Fallout 3 ".

( example 2 ) Man 1 : " I got a job working for the government. "

Man 2 : " Really where at ? "

Man 1: " The Capital Wasteland. "

by The EVIL Vault Boy July 16, 2012

human wasteland

Someone who is beyond blackout drunk, yet somehow still awake and interacting with other people. The rare step a few special people can reach between "totally wasted" and "hospitalized". Usually requires a party or event of shit show proportions.

"Did you see that kid almost fall into the campfire last night? He didn't even notice it! Man, he was a human wasteland."

by Jon Henry April 21, 2006

Suburban Wasteland

A heavily populated and developed area that lies outside of a major city. It is typically known for it large number of strip malls and chain restaurants. The local populace, or "townies" are usually, overweight, slow (mentally and physically) and have a penchant for shitty Hollywood movies and fast food. Its also known for having large concentrations of children and geriatrics.

"Hey, can we stop at Dunkin' Dounuts, I wanna grab a coffee?"

"We just passed one."

"Oh shit. Well, just keep driving, in this suburban wasteland we should hit another one in about a mile. Wait! There's a Starbucks!"

by J.W. Burnside December 21, 2011

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Soldiers of the wasteland

The official Dragonforce fan club. complete with discounts, contests, member only vids, and the best hard-core fan forum ever.

a.k.a SOTW

Soldiers of the wasteland is fuckin cool man

by makeyan March 17, 2009

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Teenage Wasteland

Teenage Wasteland is a song written by Pete Townshend in 1971 for his LifeHouse project. Since the project wasn't completed back then, Townshend used parts of this song in his work with The Who, and parts of 'Teenage Wasteland' eventually became another song, Baba O'Reilly.

Excerpt from Teenage Wasteland:

"Out here in the fields, I fight for my meals
I get my back into my living
I don't need to fight to prove I'm right
And I don't need to be forgiven

My kids ain't gonna break my heart
My greed ain't gonna spoil their part
This life just has to be a new one
I'm gonna tan underneath a new sun

Don't cry, don't raise your eye
It's only teenage wasteland"

by Doktorfunk August 27, 2005

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