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Wiz Khalifa

A Rapper out of Pittsburg, who has some of the dopest Beats, sickest Flow and can, in any Situation, make you in a good mood. He sings about Weed, Weed, Weed, Girls, Alchol, Flying (Weed), Getting Money, and most of All, Taylor Gang.
Taylor Gang is his fan base he sings about in all of his songs. "Taylor" Gang strings from his love of Chuck Taylor Shoes (and Possibly his HighSchool, Taylor Allerdice).

He has had countless MixTapes, and a Few Albums.

His "FanBase" suddenly grew after Black and Yellow became popular. Although many of his songs are better than Black and Yellow (The Thrill, Roll Up, Teach You to Fly, Real Estate, Say Yeah, This Plane and The race)

also known as Mr.Spacely

Me- Dude you Gotta check out Wiz Khalifa, hes a freaking beast.

TC- Yeahh, this dude is awesome, never heard of him, but hes a G.

Me- Yeahh better to catch on late then don't catch on at all

by Rollo:) March 9, 2011

208πŸ‘ 405πŸ‘Ž

Wiz Khalifa

The only living human known to man to get higher than Snoop Dogg

Wiz Khalifa spends thousands of dollars on weed a day no cap

by JuiceMan30 September 25, 2019

17πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž

Wiz Khalifa

He likes to hit the dab

If you don’t get the joke please leave

He gon' skrrt and hit the dab like Wiz Khalifa

by iGood January 7, 2019

11πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

wiz khalifa

When at the urinal, you think you have to fart, only to accidentally crap your pants.

That fast food messed me up, I was at the urinal and just wiz khalifad my drawers.

by phoenix4674 February 20, 2017

156πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Wiz Khalifaism

Do do everything exactly like Wiz Khalifa even if you are White. Smokin Joints, dying your hair with a gold strip, laughing like your high all the time, talking about hoes, bitches, getting money, and traveling the world even if your a loser and do none of those thing and say that just to seem cool.

GUY: dude did you see dave lately?
Girl: yeah i thought i liked him but his Wiz Khalifaism is making him a douche but he was a loser before that anyway.

by jerkin my gerkin December 17, 2011

29πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

Wiz Khalifa Day

wiz khalifa day" Fart Competition Day;

The official Wiz Khalifa Day started May 4th, ending May 4th yearly. For all to pass gas in an attempt to out stink each other.

Dude: Damn dude that shit was like super shitty, I couldn't breath for like over 2 minutes? It was definately wiz khalifa day worthy!

Other Dude: I ate Lots of cabbage and beans prior to coming. Must have been the cabbage, I worked hard on my stinch to be called wiz khalifa day worthy..

Dude: Ooooooo weeeeee, ran people off for at least four blocks, that fart sure was worth being called wiz khalifa day!

by The Master Wisdom November 23, 2010

155πŸ‘ 114πŸ‘Ž

a wiz khalifa

When you ask to be excused from class to take a piss, then blow a joint in the bathroom and come back fried.

Tommy- yo man wanna take a Wiz Khalifa with me?
Jeff-whats that?
Tommy-watch, excuse me can i use the bathroom
Teacher-sure, take a hall pass
Student-*lights up for 5 min then goes back to class*
Teacher-" no more breaks for you sir
Jeff- niiicee

by Collosal October 11, 2011

4πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž