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world war II

One of the few sequels that surpassed the original.

We have, ironically, World War II to thank for ending the depression.

by Killing Kittens December 11, 2005

2704๐Ÿ‘ 372๐Ÿ‘Ž

world war ii

A war in which over 56 million lives were snubbed out and people like to debate about who made the biggest contribution in winning against the axis powers.
1939 - 1945 NOT 1937.

Country Men in war Battle deaths Wounded
Australia 1,000,000 26,976 180,864
Austria 800,000 280,000 350,117
Belgium 625,000 8,460 55,5131
Brazil2 40,334 943 4,222
Bulgaria 339,760 6,671 21,878
Canada 1,086,3437 42,0427 53,145
China3 17,250,521 1,324,516 1,762,006
Czechoslovakia โ€” 6,6834 8,017
Denmark โ€” 4,339 โ€”
Finland 500,000 79,047 50,000
France โ€” 201,568 400,000
Germany 20,000,000 3,250,0004 7,250,000
Greece โ€” 17,024 47,290
Hungary โ€” 147,435 89,313
India 2,393,891 32,121 64,354
Italy 3,100,000 149,4964 66,716
Japan 9,700,000 1,270,000 140,000
Netherlands 280,000 6,500 2,860
New Zealand 194,000 11,6254 17,000
Norway 75,000 2,000 โ€”
Poland โ€” 664,000 530,000
Romania 650,0005 350,0006 โ€”
South Africa 410,056 2,473 โ€”
U.S.S.R. โ€” 6,115,0004 14,012,000
United Kingdom 5,896,000 357,1164 369,267
United States 16,112,566 291,557 670,846
Yugoslavia 3,741,000 305,000 425,000

All of the above except for the axis powers contributed to the end of the war and none should have there bravery taken away by overpatriotic fools.
To all our glorious dead. Lest we forget

World war ii was won by all contributing nations.

by krilled April 24, 2006

222๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž

world war II

Allies vs Axis, started mostly by fascist imperialism on the part of the Axis powers. During the war, Germany at its peak had taken over most of Europe, Japan had taken most of the Pacific island nations, and Italy had taken most of northern Africa. Ended in 1945. Perhaps the most significant event of the 20th century, and this dictionary can't possibly begin to cover all of it. See also: every show on the History Channel.

Thirty years from now when you're sitting around your fireside with your grandson on your knee, and he asks you, "What did you do in the great World War Two?" -- you won't have to say, "Well, I shoveled shit in Louisiana."
-- General George Patton

by boohiss June 8, 2004

462๐Ÿ‘ 187๐Ÿ‘Ž

world war II

1) A war which the main character in countless first-person shooter PC/Playstation games is shown single-handedly winning.

2) A war (1937-1945) whose understanding by most Brits AND Americans today is unfortunately largely Eurocentric.

3) A war whose tide the Americans did indeed almost singlehandedly turn in the Pacific at the battles of the Coral Sea and Midway(May/June 1942)

4) A war during which Japan committed very brutal atrocities which resulted in the deaths of over 20 million Asian/Pacific Island civilians, which Japan has yet to publicly acknowledge.

Today "World" War II would better serve to be known as the Second European War, since noone seems to give a rat's ass about the Asia/Pacific Theater.

by Kirk June 9, 2004

301๐Ÿ‘ 269๐Ÿ‘Ž

world war II

Nobody ever claimed WWII was won soley by the Americans, you stupid British nits, so shut your traps.

Bush-haters seem to debunk every accomplishment America ever made, including help win World War II

by Uncle Sam bitches May 9, 2006

167๐Ÿ‘ 152๐Ÿ‘Ž

world war ii

A War that started beacuse Nazi Germany, under Hitler, Invaded Poland in 1939. Was then declared war on by France and UK. Germany Invaded France and many other countries in 1940and 41, knocking them all out except for a few free forces. They used a stargey called blitzkrieg Also, Italy joined Germany in 1940 stating the Axis allience. Germans then Invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, bringing them onto the allied side (UK, Free French). Then Japan declareed war on USA and UK after the attack on Pearl Harbor followed by the Axis declaring war on the US. The war went poorly in 1941-spring of 1942. But, then the battles of El Alaimen, Stalingrad, Midway, and Gudalcanal (all happening in Summer of 1942-Winter of 1943) pushed the war in the Allies favor. In the Summer of 1943, the Battle of Kursk destroyed any cahnce of German victory on the Eastern Front, and in 1944, the D-Day landings made Germany have to fight a two front war. Mean while, the US kept on driving back the Japenease to Japan, shattering there navy at battles like Battle of the Phillipine Sea and Lyete Gulf. In December of 1944, Germany lunched a last ditch effort to defeat the UK-USA allience forces, but failed, making defeat unavoidable to Germany. Germany collapsed 5 moubths later on May 8th, with Hitler commiting suicide a few days earlier. Japan fell 3 mounths later, with a A-bomb being dropped on them because of the bloodshed a invasion of Japan would have. Many attrocities where commited by Germany during the war aginst the Jews and many other religions, nationinalities, and in general life stlye choices, which was calle the holacost Japan did similar, treating prisioners with extreme brutality and civilians alike. It is one of the most widly known wars and most highly used in movies, games etc..

Many inventions came out of World War II, like the Jet engine, Radar, jeeps, and nuclear technolgy.

by GeneralSJC December 27, 2006

72๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž

world war II

A war that the Bush family helped create by giving weapons and ideas to Hitler. The Bush family ended up making billions of dollars off the deaths of hundreds of millions of people.

Bush: Hey hitler, go invade poland and we will sell you arms.

Hitler: ok, but don't you think that may start world war II?

Bush: we can only hope.

by BushSucks July 30, 2006

62๐Ÿ‘ 155๐Ÿ‘Ž