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The sweetest guy I know, best boyfriend of all. The best guy on earth

I love my wyatt

by Amandachan101 February 19, 2017

63๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


A guy who is sweet and sensitive. He listens when you need a shoulder to cry on and who actually cares what you have to say. He always wonders what is wrong and worries about you. No words can really describe him. He is amazing and beautiful on the inside. He makes you feel as if you are actually wanted. Wyatt is just amazing. And I love him, for him, his sweetness, and for how artistic he tries to be ha ha ha.

Who's that sweet thang?" .. "Oh that's just Wyatt

by Luvnheartbeat May 29, 2011

1064๐Ÿ‘ 504๐Ÿ‘Ž


Wyatt is the type of person anyone can get along with. He makes people happy without trying. He is a sweet and stubborn person. He's very lovable. He can relieve you of all of your trauma. He is the best. He is the favorite part of anyone's day.

"I love Wyatt, he's my world"

by Love-Aid Kit March 20, 2022


A guy that can be a tough nut to crack, but once you get to know him he is super sweet. Wyatt's can be trusted and are great listeners. They tend to be good at any sports like baseball, basketball, cross country, track, and football. He is tall, tan, skinny, and has brown hair, and brownish green eyes. They are very attractive but they don't think so. Wyatt's make great cuddle buddies and boyfriends. They always get the good girls. They tease you a lot but they're really flirty with the girl they love. He acts tough around all his friends but is a real sweetheart around his girl. He is very protective of the ones he loves and makes you feel safe. He is strong and stubborn but would never abuse his girl.

Wyatt is cut

by knowlagekid74 January 1, 2019


Either heโ€™s a free-spirited kind of person or an absolute dumbass-who-is-unexplainably-smart. If youโ€™re not friends with him, then he will unleash his jerk side. He will rapidly accuse you of bad stuff he did and will get away with anything. Everybody thinks heโ€™a sooooooo cool but they donโ€™t know his true spirit. Also he has the most annoying laugh ever.

You:โ€œI hate Wyatt!โ€

Literally everyone else:โ€bRuH StOp hAtInG On wYaTt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!โ€
Wyatt:โ€HAAaAAAaa YOu bOT!โ€

by October 1, 2020


A boy that will hold your heart one that will be there till the end you would rock your world you would be lucky to have him in your life

wyatt is amazing and nice I love him.

by Kathybradyyyyy March 31, 2020


pimps all the hooooooes
and bitchs

dat kid is a wyatt

by Why do u want to know October 31, 2003

3036๐Ÿ‘ 1520๐Ÿ‘Ž