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Xbox one

the best game system ever. buy it, you can play xbox 360 games on it and that is cool it is the best game system ive had, ive had a wii, xbox 360 and a ps4, and the two xboxs where the best.

dave, phil, im getting a xbox one
phil, thats a good choice, we can play fortnite and battlefield 1 together
phil, dave you will love your xbox one

by Jack cof March 2, 2018

21๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

xbox one

This thing will be a failure. It requires you to connect to the Internet once every 24 hours in order to play games. Kinect is required for it to work. You have to pay a fee to play used games. This is not a gaming console anymore its a huge vcr now

ogskdhgjds ihgkldsfhgklfandlkturd Xbox one

by gdfgdgdgvd November 18, 2013

95๐Ÿ‘ 107๐Ÿ‘Ž

Xbox one

THE gayest console in the world

Xbox one is Gay

by ReckLessFox August 11, 2019

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

xbox one fanboy

A person who weighs 300+ pounds, never goes outside, says they smoke weed, and claimed they sleep with your mom.

during a game online: (guy gets killed) I HATE THIS (breaks disc and goes upstairs and begs for his mom to buy another game and gets it).(the guy makes your mom joke)(the other guy likes ps4,so the guy screams at him). This is an example of a Xbox One Fanboy

by Carsun March 21, 2016

18๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

xbox one x

An overpriced, useless piece of fucking shit trash that Microsoft is pushing because their underpowered sack of fuck failed miserably. This will, too, because it doesn't have ANY fucking video games for it.

Person 1: I think I'll buy an Xbox One X.

Person 2: Do you have Down's syndrome?

by Xbox One X Sucks November 6, 2017

81๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž

xbox one x

A gamertag made by 5 year olds.

A: Whats your namertag?
B: xbox one x!

by xXboxOneXx June 27, 2017

Xbox One X

a Console That Plays the Same Games as an Original Xbox One AND IT'S 300$ FUCKING MORE

Person 1: I'm Gonna Buy an Xbox One X
Person 2: What Are You Fucking Retarded? Just Buy an Xbox One Original for 160$

by Clymetix December 29, 2017

26๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž