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Club Adultery

Club Adultery is the worst form of adultery on the plant, this version does not involve cheating on a girlfriend, wife, or fiancé. It mean you have cheated on your one true love, your Favourite football club. This should be punishable by death but unfortunately the UK legal Authorities do not recognise what is regarded as an ‘immoral capital offence

Kyle just bought a Ranger T-shirt as a Celtic fan thats ‘Club Adultery’

by Hiya kid November 9, 2021

adultery pad

A residence whose main or sole purpose is to host extramarital affairs. Adultery pads are commonly, but not exclusively, owned by wealthy, married men.

Instead of meeting his mistress at the Ritz Carlton, John entertained her at his adultery pad, a luxurious condominium in Laguna Beach.

by cdavischicago April 14, 2010

Biblical Adultery

When you bang someone who isnt you wife/husband and get stoned afterward

In the ancient days if a woman was caught sleeping with a man who she is not married to she would be tied down and beaten to death with stones.

Often referred to as stoning

I so committed biblical adultery last night at the bar.

by Hobit Hole December 15, 2009

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movie adultery

To betray someone by seeing a film you had promised to see with them first. Essentially, the breaking of a promise to participate in a shared motion picture experience by enjoying it all by yourself.

I promised Mark I was going to see Minority Report with him, but I succumbed to the temptations of movie adultery. Curse its siren's song.

by BigCow March 25, 2004

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Lunch Adultery

The act of having lunch with a co-worker other than your monogamous dining partner.

Chris: Where were you at lunch?
Paul: Oh, Rich and I went out to Donahue's for a steak and cheese.

Chris: Was I not at my desk when you left
Paul: No, you were there.

Chris: You just comitted lunch adultery. I hope you had to fake all of your laughs at his awful jokes!

by dOPARIS February 5, 2010

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Analogous to jail-bait only the person in question is married instead of under-age. Often-times they will act single and flirt with you, even possibly getting your number. He or she will never wear a wedding ring. You think you may be scoring, but watch out!

Victim: "That guy has been really flirting with me, I hope he actually uses my number."

Friend: "You know he's married, right?"

Victim: "What?! Why doesn't he wear his ring?! Man, I hate adultery-bait!"

by keewi December 9, 2011

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Serial Adultery

Pre-watching a box set on Netflix by yourself, on the quiet, that you would normally watch as a couple, because she never seems to be in the mood, and you don't have the patience to wait until she is. Later when watching it together, she will be none the wiser.

Gary was bursting to watch season 2 of Narcos, but Sally was too tired, so he engaged in a spot of Serial Adultery.

by TheDrunkenBaker September 5, 2016

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