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Fun loving, happy people from eastern Europe along the Mediterranean...who love figs, filo dough, pistachios, chestnuts, sex, and most food in general. They claim everything is better back home. But, they have pungent BO, bad taste in cars, clothing, hair styles, and facial hair sculpting choices...especially the women.

Hey, did you that Albanian? Yeah, really nice guy...but a bit too honest...if you know what I mean. Yeah, I thought he was a total douche at first glance, but once I got to know him...diamond geezer.

by jcjdo December 8, 2009

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a product or thing that is very poor in quality overall and doesn't deserve to be priced the way it is no matter how low the actual price is

"Do you have anything to smoke?"
"No nigga this is albanian weed."

by GestapoMan August 22, 2022

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Albanian Day

In this day (09/03/2022) every country of the Earth have to pray for Albania, no matter what.

Albanian Day

by Skele00 March 9, 2022

albanian bouquet

A verision of a pimp slap, named as such because the motion resembles the presenting of a bouquet of flowers, with the motion starting around the ear and the back of the hand coming down on the target, preferably a broad that won't shut up.

If Lisa doesn't shut her piehole, she's going to get the Albanian Bouquet.

by Bokolis October 7, 2012

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Albanian Shit

A person of Albanian blood who has a Greek name and surname, who behaves and acts like a Greek. One can notice the massive Albanian forehead.

Ela Re Dimitris G you Albanian Shit, Keratas why are you pretending to be Greek...................Go back to Albania and sit at Bujani for coffee.

by Greek_Cypriot February 16, 2022

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Albanian Girls

The most sexiest girls on the planet. They are very hard headed and tough , very independent. Will not let no man control her. They are always ready to fight if they have to but they also know how to keep it classy !!! The most beautiful girls in the world are albanian girls ! Their language is the most graceful and sentimental.

Dont mess with that girl ! SHES ALBANIAN!
Shes beautiful ! yeah i know shes albanian
I love when albanian girls whisper " TE DUA "

by Jack Santiago April 15, 2012

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Albanian Neutral

The Albanian definition of being neutral.
Saying/Thinking you are neutral when you clearly have radical/extreme views on a matter, topic or towards a certain group of people.

Person 1: What are your views on this certain group of people?
Person 2: Oh im pretty neutral, i just think they should all be killed in the worst possible way ever and their legacy removed from history.

Person 2 is Albanian Neutral.

by SapunDiler August 28, 2021