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All Night Long

The headiest of heady.

"Dude, that place has a mammoth burger. When she handed it to me I was like... 'ohhhh all night long!'"

by imtheantelope July 11, 2008

16πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Up All Night

The first song to be released by Blink-182 in over 4 years. Not currently released yet (today is 10/14/09)

My friend: When the f**k is Up All Night gonna be released?
Me: Idk, hopefully soon though

by Blink182-2009 October 15, 2009

20πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

All Night-er

An event that continues over night.

1. studying for an exam the next day
2. Having a bomb ass sleep over with your cousins from overseas

Siena: "Omg liv I can't wait to pull the all night-er"
Olivia: " I know we will party till the sun comes up"

by Choochie Man November 23, 2020

All Night Sucker

All Night Sucker: Contrary to the popular song β€œAll Day Sucker,” by Stevie Wonder, An All Night Sucker is the opposite. An All Night Sucker doesn’t give anything for fear of not getting anything back. It’s the other side of the moon that doesn’t show until someone who desperately seeks it flies up and finds out for themselves what wonders an All Night Sucker truly carries.

Oh, Jenna keeps trying to take Jacob to the dance but little does she know he’s an all night sucker. He won’t let anyone take him.

I can’t believe Peter is getting married next month, he was the biggest all night sucker in highschool.

by steviewunderpants February 2, 2021

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

All night all day

When something (i.e. a party, rain, etc.) happens all through the night and continues into the day.

I could listen to my jam all night all day.

by Jaeber July 21, 2014

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Up All Night

smoking crack cocaine

do you see billy over there, don't he look bad as he's been up all night for the last 5 days

by tuffpuff April 8, 2010

9πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Laying out all night

1:) Not coming home due to an unspecified or poorly explained reason.

2:) Staying out cheating on one's significant other with one or more people.

3:) Passed out drunk while away from home.

That fool be laying out all night with all kinds o' hoes so I done ditches his sad ass.

by Shadowwolf1138 October 16, 2016

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