Source Code

all up in the thumbs

To give praise, to show approval, to say something is good, to express a positive feeling.

jill: did you check out the new club?
Jack: yeah, its was all up in the thumbs!

by zedd81 November 11, 2014

all up ins

acknowledgment that you are willing

"You wanna go to vegas?"

"Yeah, im all up ins!"

by J Hizzle bizzle May 3, 2005

12πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

all up ons

when one person is sexually attracted to another person.

I was wearing my Autobot T-shirt and the ladies were all up ons!

I wish I was Sugar shum! That would make her all up ons!

by AlfaTrion August 21, 2003

18πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Ate it all up

When somebody does something so spectacular it amazes everybody, they do it better than everyone and everything.

Girl she really ate it all up.

by rightfootcreep April 3, 2022

snap it all up

To accidentally, inadvertantly, or absent-mindedly destroy or damage an item in your vicinity.

If Matt keeps playing with the headset, he will snap it all up.

by Matthew Mitchell September 16, 2005

all up in here

It means that a person is being obnoxious or otherwise unpleasant. To annoy someone to an extent.

Dude, get out of my face... your all up in here!

by Rick Pick March 6, 2012

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

all up on him

To be all up upon him.

Next thing ya know she’s in the pool, wet, talkin’ dirty and all up on him.

by allupon him July 21, 2003

10πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž