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Person with discombobbled facocked shnozola-like protrusion originating in the forehead and eventually curling back into the upper lip

Ouch. That Aloe on your face poked my eye out.

by Native March 8, 2003

11πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


(ah-low) (put the little cool marks on those letters as needed)

Latin for nourish, support, develop

Welcome to High Point University’s next four-star restaurant and Life Skills learning lab located in The Qubein Arena, Conference Center, and Kahn Hotel.

Alo is a Mediterranean-inspired fine dining experience designed to expose students to international flavors, customs, and culture. With a focus on continental dining style, students will be educated on and become comfortable with European dining etiquette and protocol. Alo will be the perfect complement to the innovative 1924 PRIME - HPU’s flagship fine dining restaurant and learning lab located in the Wanek Student Center. To continue the 1924 Prime Life Skills Professional Development Program, β€œYou’re Professional Brand Series” and in partnership with the Career and Professional Development Office, Alo will feature monthly business etiquette, leadership and life skills sessions. The restaurant menu will also showcase global cultures and international cuisines by exposing students to a different country every month.

Like 1924 PRIME, students may dine weekly at Alo as part of their included meal plan. Reservations and business casual dress are required. Alo is designed as a learning lab for HPU students and is not open to the general public.

Want to go to Alo with me tonight, after the basketball game?

by Mrs. Kay 747 February 5, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Aloe Vera

The most delicious and addicting drink of all time.

Molly: Yo, Jimmy do you want some of my aloe vera?
Jimmy: What? I thought that was a plant.
Molly: No it's the most delicious drink of all time. Here try some.
Jimmy: Damn. That's the most delicious drink of all time.

by mylenaurelie March 14, 2018


NASCAR is a man beyond his time, blessing us with his musical talent, connecting with us through raw emotion. Never failing this failing generation. The new age Sid Vicious.

"that kid has NASCAR aloe hair!"
"...they're called liberty spikes, bro"


by BLACKBERRYLEMONADE November 7, 2019

80πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


a wife that is as big as a buffalo.

paul's wife-alo would come to get his paycheck on fridays for the buffet at panda.

by roby1 November 13, 2007

aloe mouthpiece

a form fitting piece for the mouth that helps provide fillatio by applying aloe vera to a sunburned penis. used in gay sex.

That dudes got that aloe mouthpiece.
What a ferg!

by stogey March 31, 2008

32πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


a married woman who is as big as a buffalo.

Paul's wife-alo would get his check on Friday and go to an all you can eat buffet.

by greg roby November 19, 2007

20πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž