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alrighty aphrodite

To agree to something, or approve of something, in a positively enthusiastic way. To also be happy about something random and respond in a good mood.

Do you want spaghetti for dinner? I know it's your favorite. Alrighty Aphrodite!

Taking a relaxing hot shower after a long stressful day, and muttering to yourself, Alrighty Aphrodite...

by roughly_pearl July 22, 2017

mighty alrighty

The state of being slightly better than average, just enough to announce it as if its a mighty occasion. (The added 'y' being the factor which makes the emotion slightly more positive than the state of merely being alright)

Jen: How're you feeling today?
Biff: I'm mighty alrighty thanks!
Jen: HAHA!! Great!

by Calum yiken? April 15, 2009

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Alrighty Aphrodite

Alrighty Aphrodite is the equivariant of ''Ok Boomer'' for pretty/beautiful girls.

"I'm going to go out, and do whatever I want."

"Alrighty Aphrodite, Go find someone else to love you then."

by Valkorias April 17, 2021

alrighty doodie

An expression used when in agreement or going along with a situation.

Alright, okay, sounds good

Ally: Ryan, are you ready to go?

Ryan: I'm ready!
Ally: Alrighty doodie, let's go!

by Willy Pancakes December 22, 2017

alrighty roo

Similar meaning as ok but more fun to say πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ that rhymed.

Can be said in many ways such as:
Alrighty Roo
Allllllrighty Roo
Alrightyyyy Rooooo

Random Stranger: Hey you wanna see inside my van? There’s candy...

You: Alllllrighty Rooo *steps inside van*


β€œHey, pass the salt”.

β€œAlrighty Roo”.

by greenpoopyfrootloopy123 May 4, 2019

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alrighty aphrodite

To agree to something, or approve of something, in a positively way. To also be happy about something random and respond in a good mood.

Do you want spaghetti for dinner? I know it's your favorite. Alrighty Aphrodite!

Taking a relaxing hot shower after a long stressful day, and muttering to yourself, Alrighty Aphrodite...

by roughly_pearl July 23, 2017

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alrighty dighty

a good expression with some spunky sparks of positive agreement or even negative disagreement.

alrighty dighty, finally I have reached Shipbuilder Status after all of my hard work.

by jedixkalibur December 20, 2013

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