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ur ancestors incestors

"ur ancestors incestors" is a forgotten insult burried deep in time. It was first used in the 1900s when a young lad was searching for a comeback from the dreaded "ur granny tranny". This insult is so dangerous that the government had to hide this insult. It breaks through the fabric of time and space itself, but as F.B.I. agents were shocked at Donald J. Trump's loli porn collection they were careless and had accidentally exposed the insult in the form of a meme.

Josh: Jay, ur granny tranny.
Jay: Pathetic. ur ancestors incestors
*Jay made Josh cease to exist, the fabric of reality broke down, even if only for a moment.*

by thisistotallynotrev March 27, 2018

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ur ancestors incestors

This is the by far WORST insult that can ever be used. Nothing will ever be able to top this insult, as soon as it is said life as we know it will cease to exist.

Johnny- "ur mom gay"
Fred-"ur dad lesbian"
Johnny-"ur sister a mister"
Fred"ur bro homo"
Johnny-"ur granny tranny"
Fred-"That;s it, ur ancestors incestors"

The universe implodes as everything that exist is destroyed. All you can hear is the screams of every single person being tortured in hell as everything comes to an end with one final explosion.

by SomeBigDickNigga March 28, 2018

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Your ancestor a pancestor

Worse than your mum gay, your dad lesbian, your granny a tranny and your grandpap a trap combined

β€œYour mom gay”
β€œNo u”

β€œYour dad lesbian”
β€œYour granny a tranny”
β€œYour grandpap a trap!”
Entire family line is erased from existence

by Contractcloser March 21, 2018

Ur Ancestors Incestors

The most godly term only used by intellectual beings to signify domination any person who uses this is known as the king of abomination

Bill:ur mom gay
Jeff:ur family tree lgbt
Bill:ur ancestors incestors
Jeff:*disinegrates from the inside out and is automatically sent to the depths of hell for enternal suffering and pain*

by JONBIGNXGGA March 28, 2018

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Ur ancestor a molester

An insult that has never seen before. This insult over stands any insults thrown at you in mankind, even in the known universe.

1: ur mum gay
2: ur dad lesbian
1: ur granny tranny
2: no u
1: well your grandpap a trap
2: ur ancestor a molester
1: "explodes into dust, immediately in hell"

by Linkusdinkus March 15, 2018

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ur ancestors incestors

A more advance insult used by only the highest of intellectuals, drives from others such as ur mom gay, ur dad lesbian, your granny tranny, your grandpap, your grandmam a trans am and your Ur family tree lgbt

Billy: hey simon ur family lgbt
Simon: fuck u Billy ur ancestors incestors
*Billy becomes the goop that was used in the fake krabby parties and is crapped out by Sadam Hussein*

by Dat Nibba March 28, 2018

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Ancestors of Lakan Dula

The Ancestors of Lakan Dula and David Dulay (David Dula y Goiti)

1. Batang Dula: Father of David Dula y Goiti; Son of Lakan Dula and Mutya;Brother of Magat Salamat, Felipe Salonga, Dionisio Capulong.

2. Lakan Dula (1503 - 1589): David's grandfather; Husband of Mutya; Son of Rajah Sulaiman I and Ysmeria; Father of Batang Dula, Magat Salamat, Felipe Salonga, Dionisio Capulong.

3. Mutya: David's grandmother; Wife of Lakan Dula; Mother of Batang Dula, Felipe Salonga, Magat Salamat, Dionisio Capulong.

4. Rajah Sulaiman I: David's great grandfather; Son of Rajah Lontok and Dayang Kalangitan; Husband of Ysmeria; Father of Lakan Dula and Rajah Sulaiman II,; Brother of Dayang Panginoan, Dayang Lahat and Gat Kahiya.

5. Ysmeria: David's great grandmother; Wife of Rajah Sulaiman I; Mother of Lakan Dula and Rajah Sulaiman II.

6. Rajah Lontok: David's second great grandfather; Son of Sultan Bolkiah and Lela Mechanai; Husband of Dayang Kalangitan; Father of Dayang Panginoan, Dayang Lahat, Rajah Sulaiman I and Gat Kahiya; Brother of Rajah Gappandan

7. Dayang Kalangitan: David's second great grandmother; Wife of Rajah Lontok;Mother of Dayang Panginoan, Dayang Lahat, Rajah Sulaiman I and Gat Kahiya

8. Sultan Bolkiah: David's third great grandfather; Son of Sultan Sulaiman; Husband of Lela Mechanai; Father of Rajah Lontok and Rajah Gappandan.

Lakan Timamanukum is one of the ancestors of Lakan Dula.

by Raspmia Sinsuat Kiram January 19, 2011

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