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Best Buy

The best electronics retailer on the planet. They provide the BEST buy by price matching all major competitors and give the best customer service available. If you want to leave laughing/smiling, purchase your TV, computer, DVDs, CDs, etc at a Best Buy store.

Generally, the people who think negatively about Best Buy have either 1) had a bad experience that could happen at any retail store anywhere(these things do happen) 2) use to work at a Best Buy but did not provide exceptional customer service so they lost their job or 3)did not LISTEN when an associated was explaining compounded interest LOL

Best Buy gives me money back with my Reward Zone.

Best Buy has the best buys.

by Lou Ellen March 13, 2006

123πŸ‘ 160πŸ‘Ž

Best Buy

A place where people can look at electronics in person before going home to buy them on Amazon for a cheaper price.

"You paid $40 for an HDMI cable at Best Buy!? I got one for $5 on Amazon."

by SeΓ±or Horsechoker March 18, 2013

19πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Best buy

Highly over priced place people call a store where a simple cell phone charger costs $40 dollars and everything costs $20 to $300 dollars more than anywhere else!

Hey bob want to go to best buy and get a dvd?Sure I have $60 dollars I can buy 1 dvd.

by best buy sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! October 7, 2008

45πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž

Best Buy

Jordan's bitch.

Employee: Whos your bitch?

Jordan: Best Buy.

by Pseudonymfoodonym April 27, 2010

22πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Best Buy

A huge electronics store with two employees on the floor who are not cashiers. The two employees will keep at least a 50 foot buffer between themselves and any customer at all times. They will studiously avoid eye contact. If you find the item you are looking for, it will always cost 10X as much as it does on amazon- that is in no way an exaggeration. If you foolishly decide to push on with your purchase, you will first have to navigate a 300 yard long single path labyrinth of garbage impulse buy items. Be sure to take a water bottle and use the restroom before entering. These items can range from the worst (yet still overpriced) generic usb cord ever made, to expired corn nuts. When you do make it to the cashier, you will be pressured relentlessly to purchase an β€œextended warranty” on whatever you are buying- even if it is just the aforementioned corn nuts. The intense pressure to purchase said warranty will be interminable. It will be worse than the β€œcoffee is for closers” scene in Glen Gary Glen Ross. If you survive this, you will be given a 6 foot long receipt in case you need to β€œreturn” the item(s). Return is in quotes as it is purely hypothetical, No one in recorded history has ever succesfully returned an item to Best Buy.

Bob: Hey, where should we hang out tonight?
Sally: I was thinking either Best Buy or the sixth circle of Hell.
Bob: OK, Hell it is!

by Kickolaus Nage October 8, 2021

Best Buy

Def 1 - Scam Artist store that says they did not get the payments you make online. Then when you pay off the entire amount and close your account in one call on the phone, they send you more bills 3 weeks later, saying there was an additional $10 dollars you did not pay which has now increased to an additional $ 2013 over the past 3 weeks, EVEN THOUGH YOU TOLD THEM TOLD THEM at the time TO TAKE THE WHOLE AMOUNT they lyingly said you owed IN FULL OUT OF YOUR BANK ACCOUNT (just so the scammers would stop charging you interest on late fees you don't owe in the first place, so you can later go back and continue to try to protest the lying bastards through the Attorney General's office), so that now, they (the Muther Fuckin Best Buy Assholes) have now added on an additional $20 dollars each day to a fee you never owed in the first place so that now the fuckin scammers say you owe another $2000!!!!
Def 2 - Lying, Mother Fuckin' Assholes!

"STAY THE FUCK AWAY from the LYING, Mutha Fuckin' Scammers at BEST BUY!!!"

"I got fuckin' screwed at Best Buy."

"Damn! I wish I never did business with Best Buy! They screwed me."

by Michelle in Woodland Hills December 4, 2004

63πŸ‘ 145πŸ‘Ž

The Best Buy

This is the act of doping trow and pinching a turd off inside a electronic item then repackage it back together, and return it.

Bryan: "Hay Eric, I just got a new mouse from best buy!"
Eric: "legit, how much that run you?"
Bryan: "about 70 bucks."
Eric: "you know newegg has that for 20?"
Bryan: "the f***?... I think I know what has to be done."
Eric: "Time for "The Best Buy" huh?"

by AlwaysRightttt November 11, 2010

8πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž