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A person who is always there
all the time,
NEVER LEAVING and is the reason people talk to themselves, but there not talking to themselves, there taling to the awesomeness that is blankness

Blankness and me are going out for coffee, wanna come?
but no one is-

by Amanda Akahana June 17, 2011


Execu-speak for a Reganaut.

Example 1: “Don’t you worry about blank, let me worry about blank.”
Example 2: “Blank? Blank?! You’re not looking at the big picture!”

by Lugs-o October 18, 2004

64👍 35👎


infertile man, dead sperm.

they wanted a baby, but all he could do was shoot blanks due to all the years of snorting coke

by becky February 25, 2004

168👍 109👎


An evening of drinking where you have certian parts of the night removed from your memory

I blanked last night

by Rob Parker January 23, 2003

104👍 68👎


cuss out someone, go crazy,

Shut the fuck up before i blank on yo ass.

i blanked on him.

by mizzbabyphat July 25, 2005

118👍 87👎


When you don't remember smashing a whole pub up and everybody inside it!

Some geezer was largin' it off to us earlier!

Well, Steve just blanked, and nearly killed the geezer!

by Phatzoot June 23, 2011

28👍 17👎


A homeless man with a patchy beard and shaggy hair. They usually reside under bridges and sell their body for booze.

I just saw blanke getting nailed by some ugly bitch underneath the bridge for a bottle of vodka.

by tk February 14, 2008

24👍 14👎