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blates deffo

a term local to Stratford-Upon-Avon College (England), Blates Deffo is simply the coupleing of the two terms Blates and Deffo to stress your positive reaction to a suggestion

josh: you wanna go blag some pork pies?

james: Blates Deffo, m8!

by lowlife4ever March 10, 2008

4👍 3👎

Blates like Potates

Another term for "blatantly".

Blates like potates!

by truckilrodnas September 9, 2010

26👍 8👎


A dining wear eating surface that is larger in circumference like a plate but dished like a bowl. Blates are best for dishes like spaghetti and stews.

Please put some spaghetti in my blate.

by P4ul Chevrolet May 17, 2022


The summary given at the end of an email... Bottom Line At The End. In stark opposition to the BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front)

I forgot to provide the executive summary at the beginning, so I just added a BLATE at the end of my email.

by Captain Bill July 21, 2022