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a hole in the water in which males over the age of 45 pour money into

"Yeah I just got a boat"

"But you live in Wyoming?"

by basicbadger May 11, 2021


gay during may

hi (b)ro
what br(o)

nothing bruv(A)
ok bro (t)
nice boat

by gayduringmay April 16, 2020

8๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


A vehicle that floats on water.

"I'm looking forward to riding on that big boat. Hopefully I won't get wet."

by Poncho Franzwarez December 24, 2009

28๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


An uneven burning at the tip of a joint or blunt. See also wordcanoe/word

Quit sucking so hard, you're creating a boat.

by e-vis October 3, 2003

48๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž


An amphibious vehicle used to transport people from one area to another via water (duh).

a boat is commonly used by rednecks to escape from the old lady and drink lots of beer. They tend to use the excuse that they are fishing, although really they are just drinking lots of beer and watching the water.

Many times a boat can also be used to transport illegal aliens from Cuba(and other Latin American countries) to the United States. Often these boats are captured, repainted, and sold to rednecks.

Loads of middle class white men want boats, but they never get them. Only the bold white trash people get them.

A very costly mistake of some people is to confuse a boat with a yacht or a ship. Only rich people can afford those, or a redneck with no house. Therefor they are not in the category of boats.

African Americans never want boats, because they cant swim.

Only rednecks and white trash have boats

by Habeeb May 5, 2006

65๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž


Another name for a penis. Like a penis a boat contains 'sea men' or 'semen'

My boat got wet last night

by JosieX October 21, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


London (UK) slang for face. If you want to sound 'gangsta' then try and pronounce it with an exaggerated pretend Jamaican accent, like Booooaht

Gwendolen: Shut up, Algernon, you little waste man. Everyone knows your mum did it with the postman down the back of the Savoy!
Algernon: You want a clap across the boat?

by bignose June 18, 2007

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