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(Philippine English)
1. Nude

2. Naked

3. A movie with nude and naked scenes because movies showing nudity were considered bold, as in daring.

4. An x-rated film or movie but not necessarily a porn.

Let's watch a (some) bold movie.

by Mr. Yoso June 29, 2012

58πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


When you are doing something that is not the socially accepted norm and it often makes no reasonable sense to other people why you are behaving in such a manner.

Don is bolding whenever he smokes a cigarette because he unconsciously (or consciously) smokes it as fast as possible and ends up with a cherry the size of your thumb.

When Don arrives at a bring and braai with no food or drink, and proceeds to eat a second helping before people that brought food have even had one helping, we say to ourselves "Oh yes. Don is bolding again"

by D_TT June 22, 2010

11πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Slang for putting something in bold

He bolded the words, so he must be serious.

by word man 1 12 March 30, 2011

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Be Bold for Change

Be Bold for Change was the theme for International Women's Day in 2017 to rally every person, every woman, every man to take bold practical action to accelerate gender parity; to help women and girls to achieve their dreams; to value men's and women's contributions equally. It was a huge rallying cry for the Team USA Women’s National Hockey team who boycotted the 2017 world championships for fair pay, benefits, investment in youth hockey programs and equal financial support to the men’s team. USA Hockey and the USOC gave them equity hours before the championships began. They won gold.

Your daughter deserves to play hockey and to get paid equal to her brother. So support Be Bold For Change and make a difference.

by EmpressSquad August 28, 2017

390πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


bold-blue n: The query result shown by google in bold-blue when what you search for,appears exactly the same on some website.Like if one searches a famous quote, it will appear in bold-blue on google's result page.

Dude1: Hey can you google his FB status? Got to be a bold-blue.This guy is getting lame by the day.
Dude2: Sure it is! it's someone's cool tweet.

by Iconoblast January 8, 2011

229πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Bold and Brash

A painting created by Squidward in "Artist Unknown" showing a deformed and abstract squid without any clothing. It has an abnormally large nose.

Squidward:"I call it 'Bold and Brash'!"
Monty: "More like 'Belongs in the Trash'!"

by DubyaSupreme February 11, 2015

55πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Bold Will Hold

A simple phrase to explain the superiority of traditional style tattoos versus complex new school designs over time. It refers to the fact that a simple design with a nice bold outline, like Sailor Jerry or Amund Dietzel designs, will hold up over time much better than a piece with tiny intricate lines cramped together.

Guy 1: "how old is that rose tattoo"

Guy 2: "bout 20 years give or take."

Guy 1: "Damn, it still looks relatively new."

Guy 2: "Well, Bold Will Hold."

by jim schmeckshner October 3, 2013

16πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž