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Boy Scout

A definition that has been thoroughly tainted by the other UD contributors. Boy scouts are not highly trained assassins who know over 9000 ways to kill someone. They do not try to set everything on fire, and any scout who paid any attention would know that a knife is not a toy, and under normal circumstances should not be used as a weapon. A boy scout is, on average, a preteen-adult who has an interest in developing useful skills, connecting with nature, or just making some friends with common interest.

UD Twat: Boy scouts r crazy and will fuck ur shit up if you cross them!!

Actual Boy Scout: No, we aren't all about violence the way you think we are. Please don't say stupid things like that.

by Oreo Wizard January 11, 2018

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Boy scout

Total fucking bad ass. Usually stereotyped as a nerdy homosexual. Which some scouts are. But the cool ones know how to do things that are taught in the special forces.

Dick head: hah you are a boy scout you must be a fag!
Scout: say one more word and I will dislocate both of your arms, tie you in a pretzel and stab you multiple times with your own foot

by LordRBP November 15, 2011

33๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

boy scouts

Another word for 'intense' (in tents)

Wow...that fight was boy scouts.

by rldave790 March 4, 2008

53๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž

boy scout not

The things a scout master does "not" want the world to know about him.

Scout Master: Well boys, today we learn about boy scout nots. Like how "not" to tell your parents about these pictures I'm gonna be taking of you.

by magz1990nine June 5, 2021

boy scout

a kid who got screwed over by overzealous parents who wanted said kid in harvard. Most boyscouts hate the program and sneak contrabrand music players to camps and swear at bystanders. (at least me anyway)

loser:"Hey you're a boy scout, what a fag!!!"
coolboyscout:"Go thumb your pocket protector you dipshit before I kick your ass."

by novark September 12, 2006

80๐Ÿ‘ 136๐Ÿ‘Ž

Boy Scouts

Usually seen as social retards. This is 80% true, but the other surprising 20% are sexy men who work oh so well with their hands and would slaughter a pack of wolves to protect a foxy woman.

"You've dating boy scouts? Uhhhh... weird."
"Nice pecs, abs of steel and a sense of direction are weird to you?"

by foxygirlbeeenanna July 5, 2012

24๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž

Boy Scout

Okay so all the definitions are from triggered boy scouts that had to come here and try to create a badass description for themselves, so I had to correct them.

Majority of boy scouts are cocky pussies that think they know shit because they can use a lighter. In reality, they'd break an arm trying to handle a shotgun because they're that full of themselves after they got their own pocket knife.

Some boy scouts are exceptions, actually applying their knowledge to whatnot and using their ranks for a better chance at good scholarship cash. Unfortunately, these humble ones are few in number.

Then there is the derogatory term 'boy scout' used to describe the lesser, more pathetic types of people. This is an 'insult' mainly used by your friendly neighborhood highschool quarterback in an attempt to start something, only resulting in him appearing as the idiot that he is (Except to his incompetent followers who will still respect him somehow).

Just a note- Don't be a defensive cunt trying to make boy scouts appear badass. You are not Danny Devito, stop thinking you know shit.

I don't care so much about boy scouts anymore, but I'm going to become an Eagle Scout anyways. It'll look good on me resume.

by Yeet_Brother May 16, 2018

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