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When you and your buddy DP a girl using the same hole. Rubbing your sticks together creating friction.

Much like the primitive fire starting techniques they teach you in Boy Scouts.

"Dude! When we were boyscouting that girl the other night your balls were freezing! Try to keep them away from mine next time. You made it weird."

by vonwolfhausen April 15, 2024


When you and your buddy DP a girl using the same hole. Rubbing your sticks together creating friction.

Much like the primitive fire starting techniques they teach you in Boy Scouts.

"Dude! When we were boyscouting that girl the other night your balls were freezing! Try to keep them away from mine next time. You made it weird."

by vonwolfhausen April 15, 2024

boyscout knot

when two gay males tie their penis' into all the way from a single to quadruple knot, and then get erections in order to untie them and then proceed in order to cum all over each other.

Are we gonna do the boyscout knot tonight.

by SlappinEwoksLikeDemHoes October 24, 2010