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Shit Broadcast

Similar to Shit Posting, except its being done by big name companies in movies, TV shows, or music.

This is most renown in great classic kids TV channels which have ran out of ideas, are filled with countless terrible sitcoms, or try to jump onto the latest meme bandwaggon in an attempt to draw in viewers.

Music demonstrates this, and has come up with nothing but love and sex related songs, and can't come up with anything original.

Hey dude I watched some Nickelodeon today just to check up on the shows, man, they got some shit broadcast going on.

by Harambe Glue October 31, 2017

Canadian broadcaster

A person who disregards injury of words (ironic to the profession) and proceeds to make fun of someone else's mannerisms, costumes, or dance styles, eluding to that person's possible homosexual lifestyle. In manner of what was done to Johnny Weir after his Olympic men's figure skating routines by broadcasters in Vancouver.

Korina: "He's wearing pink and knows more about fashion sense than me. He *must be gay." Mercedez: "OMG. He just shops at someplace other than the Salvation Army. Don't be such a Canadian broadcaster."

by thedimbulb February 21, 2010

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broadcast yourself

A derogatory term used to tell someone who is attempting to impress you and/or others to tape their antics and upload them onto YouTube, with the intention that people who are intersted will watch. The concept that you do not care what they do as long as they stop is implied.

"I tell you what get that on tape and broadcast yourself, cause no one 'round here gives a fuck, douchebag" "take that shit to YouTube where maybe someone will care.....hahahaha"

by Guerranongrata September 27, 2007

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Status broadcaster

someone who just spams their facebook status with complete ass munching dick balls. Which means quoting lots of famous people, saying random quotes, saying shit no one gives an ass about.

War does not determine who is left, only who is right.

I believe that obama's new reform is quite intriguing.

STFU status broadcaster

by jizzbagwanker October 18, 2010

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Broadcast jockey

A negative nickname given to a journalist who specializes in the television broadcast medium. Often times little more than a pretty face that can read a teleprompter. A broadcast jockey is void of independent thought and lacks common sense.

Broadcast Jockey Tracy Butler, from Chicago's ABC 7 news team, tested out a new Vespa motor scooter on live tv without actually knowing how to ride a scooter.

"See ya Jose and Judy, I'm outta here."
She wiped out on State Street 5 seconds later.
"I'm fine...hahahaha. Just goes to show you live tv can be interesting."

Ron Burgundy: Thanks for watching Channel 4 News. You stay classy, San Diego. I'm Ron Burgundy?

Ed Harken: Damn it, who typed a question mark on the teleprompter? For the last time, anything you type, Burgundy will read!

by dixiescotch November 8, 2010

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broadcast memory

when you are telling a story about your life when suddenly you realize that it was derived from a show or movie. NOT YOUR OWN LIFE. usually occurs within a person who has "no life"

Brad: hey dude, one time i had a crush on this girl named mary and i was at her house on prom night and got my penis caught in my zipper while i was...wait...nevermind, that was from the movie "all about mary".

Chad: Wow Brad, havin a bad case of broadcast memory? You really need to get a life!

by NatGrimace June 21, 2009

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Bumper Broadcasting

Letting the entire city know what schools you've gone to, what team you root for, what radio station you listen to and who you voted for with bumper stickers.

"What's with the bumper broadcasting? Nobody cares what mountain you drove to the top of."

by Steve Capstick June 27, 2006

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