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Someone u always are there for no matter what..always forgive them no matter what
they will be the only ones in the end..

Brother..i love you

by johndoe49 January 5, 2009

23πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


(n): A male sibling. Also one of the biggest contradictions ever, in human form. Brothers will often make you want to beat them, maim them, throw them out the window our spray water on their pants. But they will often at times make you want to hug, praise, admire, or even kiss them. You may want to even do all of these things at one time, depending on the situation. In rare cases, you might even say to him, 'I love you'. But that's very, VERY, rare. Even if it turns out that your brother is a narcissistic, lazy, idiotic punk, he will be there for you when he knows you need help, advice, or just a person to talk to. And though you may not admit it now, or ever, when he needs you, you will do the same. After all, he's stuck with you until either of you die.

Person: Hey, can I ask you a favor?

Person's Brother: Nope.

Person: Douchebag.

by fleetfeet93 August 19, 2011

10πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Excuse me...you added an extra letter. Yeah, the R shouldn't be there...it's BOTHER...haha. An annoying younger sibling male born to drive others crazy...

My BrOTHER is a little tard that has no life...

by WOOT! July 14, 2003

38πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


A word in which is used to argue with when you don’t want to be called sister, created by James charles’ younger brother Ian

James: and here we have sister Ian

Ian: brother Ian

James: sister Ian

Ian: brother
James: sister
Ian: brother

by sisterspeller October 9, 2018


....fucking hate that guy...

My brother is annoying the shit out of me. welcome to my world.

by Mr. Mittens March 19, 2021

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


1.A sibling related to you by blood. Someone who you stick your neck out for, and who does the same for you.
2.Someone non-related to you, but who cares about you, like a brother, and who you care about like a brother.

1.*Via text* Hey, bro, our parents aren't pissed anymore, come home.

2.I've known John Doe for so long, he is like my brother.

by whynot138 June 22, 2011

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


1. In the younger sense, an uninteligent being often bred for the father's satisfaction of having a male to carry on the family name. After birth, his life is purposeless.
2. A brandon, gay, or stupid
3. An act so stupid it recieves immediate sarcasm

He brothered yesterday, and we've been bothering him ever since.

dude 1: I have a brother.
dude 2: Sorry.

by Fobo the Hobo January 4, 2008

12πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž