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Buffalo Bruiser

Taping your dick and balls together with electric tape and banging and brusing your girl.

Joe decided to give Kandy a Buffalo Bruiser after a rough hockey game.

by Mike1356 October 11, 2010

ball bruiser

when a male gets so lonely he tends to masterbate so much and hard he bruises his balls at the shaft and his choda area.

"Dude my ol' lady has been holding out so long I've become a ball bruiser."

"Man look at this black and blue spot on my sack isnt that a huge case of a ball bruiser."

by JohnnyMeg August 20, 2004

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BC Bruisers

An elite collective of men set out to bruise the butt cheeks of women world over.
See also BCB.

1."My wife is sitting funny, damn those BC Bruisers!"

2."OMG Sara I totally got BCs bruised last night."

3.BC Bruisers don't discriminate it's black and blue in the end anyways.

by Jon Digi March 10, 2008

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A term used for one's penis, that is used for "bruising poontang". After having sex, the woman's poontang is bruised from the gerth and power of the man's penis.

Ex 1-
Girl1: "Brendan's dick is so big, he really beat my pussy up!"
Girl2: "Yea, he's got a real poon-bruiser!"

Ex 2-
Girl1: "Look at the poon-bruiser on that guy!"
Girl2: "He is so fucking hung!"

by BrendanShameless January 25, 2012

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Adamson bruiser

When you are nailing your mrs so hard your penis slips out, you go to ram back in and it bends your cock and you bruise it.

β€œI was mailing Lauren so hard it slipped out and I bruised my cock on way back in, gave her a Adamson bruiser”

by Big J B June 26, 2022

Bruiser Hurst

A Bruise Hurst is someone who plays baseball and is very short. They are normally dog shit and don’t do their job as a first baseman. This person is likely to finger their girlfriend after 2 days of dating. A Bruiser Hurst strives to be apart of The Great Monks but will never achieve his goalinson.

That sophomore in Oklahoma with the blonde hair is a real Bruiser Hurst.

by Cool Cock69 April 26, 2021

brain bruiser

1. a teacher, tutor, instructor or anyone who bestows knowledge upon anyone

2. the act of learning something considered difficult, gaining knowledge or wisdom the hard way

1. On the first day of school, my parents sent my siblings and I into the caring tutelage of a new brain bruiser.

2. Learning quantum physics was a real brain bruiser!

by Ruby Slippers February 26, 2010

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