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bulbous vulva

1)A set of Juice swelled Pussy Lips, it also exposes the clit and makes for a delicous meal.

2)A word to describe someone as a pussy.

She was so horny she had a bulbous vulva and it tasted great.

Hippie 1 dude i dont feel like snorting coke
hippie 2 quit being a bulbous vulva and snort the fucking coke!

by Adam Fultz December 14, 2007

5👍 7👎

bulbous vagina

a vagina that protrudes out a little farther than any normal vagina; usually due to excessive drinking, or rough vaginal intercourse, can sometimes lead to death.

Hey Krista, your bulbous vagina is showing through your tights!

Yo, I was bangin' this chick last night and her bulbous vagina swallowed me whole.

by notinmypoopholeplease November 12, 2008

5👍 9👎

big bulbous penis

A penis that is very large or Shrek sized.

Shrek shoved his big bulbous penis into Harry Potter's orifices.

by Mebuscus09 October 17, 2014

22👍 4👎


The degree of which a thing is bulbous.

"Hey Jonny! look at the bulbousity of that guy's schnoz!"

by Callisoarous April 4, 2015

Bulbous Cockburn

Typical expression of family guy humor.
Can be used to relay displeasement with a person who has an account on a porn website

Wtf, my nigga is fricking Bulbous Cockburn


bulbous sack

A large scrotum, that is to say blessed with a large bawsac

Shelly: John you've got big balls.

John: Yes I know it's a bulbous sack.

by absoc September 5, 2012