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A drink that'll dry up your mouth in seconds.
I hate it.
Even if it does taste good O_O

I drink Capri-Sun at lunch.

by Chocoholic789456 November 12, 2009

12πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Capri sun

When 2 gay men take a Capri sun straw and insert it into there partners dick hole then slide there penis onto the straw and the 2 men begin to thrust back and forth on the straw pushing each other back and forth untill one of the men cum, then the partner who has yet to cum uses the straw to drink a Capri sun while the other partner fineshes him off through oral or anal pleasure.

"Dude me and this guy Capri suned last night till my dick started to bleed it was the hottest Capri sun I've ever had"

by Dboxreaper1 February 3, 2014

4πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Capri-Sun manoeuvre

When she sticks a straw in your dick hole and you use it to pee in her mouth.

She thought sticking a strw in my dick is gonna hurt me but I Capri-sun manoeuvre her.

by Fluidic_Poduzetnik December 13, 2018

Capri-Sun Funland

A theme park based around the Capri-Sun soft drink. It is known for having a very fun water slide. No artificial ingredients allowed!

Any sentient soft drink who wishes to enter Capri-Sun Funland is scanned by a high-tech machine to see if they contain any artificial ingredients. Sentient soft drinks who contain artificial ingredients will be denied entry.

"Capri-Sun Funland - can't wait! Next stop, the water slide!"

by Sussy Bazinga September 21, 2022

Mexican Capri-Sun

The girl is lying on the bed, naked, and pours a whole bowl of Chilli-Con-Carne onto her crotch and fingers some of the chilli inside her slack hole.

Then the guy stands next next to the bed and fucks her - fucking her vagina through the Chilli-Con-Carne. At the same time the couple are each holding a bag of Doritos and dip the crisps into the Chilli and eat them as the intercourse is going on.

Girl: Are you coming over tonight to pop a cherry up me?

Guy: I don't know if I can be bothered.

Girl: We can do the Mexican Capri-Sun

Guy: Alright. I'll pop round after I've finished watching Family Guy.

by Righty Tossbag September 21, 2018

Oversized Capri-Sun

The pouch of wine in boxed wine. Commonly found at your local supermarket and used by middle age women after the divorce. Also used by collage girls after a break-up.

Guy1: I found the reminisce of an oversized Capri-Sun next to my passed out ex
Guy2: what will you drink now
Guy1: I don’t know I could give water a try

by Knee gears April 7, 2019

Capri-Sun Threesome

Drinking from three Capri-Suns all at once.

Whoa I'm so dehydrated I could do with a Capri-Sun threesome.

by kimkoi July 29, 2013

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