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Capricorn’s are the best and most loyal people to have around you they will ride with you till thee end and always have your back .... we can be We can be intimidating and manipulative and cold and Calculating but that’s because you either crossed us or did something stupid just cause and we do cut people off with no hestitation cause if you real from the beginning you would have to see the DEVILISH side of us other than we are hard working and get want we want and strive to be the best at any and everything we always put others b4 ourselves and get hurt in the end ...... so for those you trash talked the Capricorn’s you should think twice cause we are always 10 steps ahead of everything we do never UNDERESTIMATE A CAPRICORN CAUSE WE WILL PROVE YOU WRONG EVEYTIME AND MAKE THE WEAK FEEL LIKE SHIT....💯💯👿👹

Capricorn’s we are the best at everything we do and loyal to the upmost

by ♑️ October 14, 2018

73👍 5👎


are the best zodiacs ever and the sexiest. always will be sexiest and greatest.

“ur a capricorn?”
uh yeah?”
“knew it capricorns are so sexy

by idk capricorn! April 8, 2018

461👍 54👎


A Capricorn is someone who works hard and often gets less than they deserve. They are industrious workers and great leaders. Not always, but often very intelligent and smart. No one is more kind than a Capricorn.

She must be a Capricorn, she is kind to everyone she meets.

by Cheese123451297 March 19, 2019

196👍 21👎


One of the most amazing signs ever. This sign is the 12th zodiac sign, from late December to early January. People who have fallen under this sign are very hardworking & determined. These people don't really open up easily, but to that one person they'll be an open book. They're also very beautiful/handsome. Very loyal in relationships. Loves to joke.

"She/he's so pretty/hot, I wish I was her/him. Her/his confidence, her/his determination, and her/his quirkiness, she/he's just so perfect." The basic girl & boy say ironically at the same time as if this was staged.
"What's her/his zodiac sign?" I ask.
"He/she's born on December 26th, so they're a Capricorn." They reply, again in sync.
"Typical. Capricorns are so admirable."

by Mrmh2 September 22, 2020

38👍 3👎


Capricorn's especially girls are confident but not egotistical, very attractive and have very slender nice bodies. This can make them seem intimidating but once you get to know them they are actually quite sweet. They don't dwell on their appearance or really think of themselves as hot, they are actually pretty modest and don't usually like a lot of attention.

Capricorn's are hardworking and sometimes come off as serious and take no bullshit. They are stereotyped as being boring but that is because when they meet someone new they can be guarded at first just to get a sense of who that person is. Once you get to know them you'll realize they are funny, have a witty sense of humor and love adventure. But the one thing you don't want to do is piss them off. This is when their inner bitch comes out. They are good at making you feel very bad and guilty and have a hard time feeling any sort of remorse for those they don't particularly like. They have a strange ability to cut themselves off from people emotionally very fast if you have wronged them. They don't have to say much at all for you to know they dislike you. All it takes is one piercing look from them and it's enough to know you should keep your distance. Just play it cool and don't get on their bad side. They have a lot of friends but only a few they consider very close and share things with. It's hard to get them to talk about their emotions because they are very independent and prefer to deal with their issues on their own. They don't like people to see them vulnerable under any circumstances. But that is not to say they don't help others. They often give good advice and help others they care for when they're in need. They are the best friends you could ask for and the worst enemy you'd want to have.

by floridasunkissed July 13, 2010

2308👍 355👎


Capricorn’s are the most amazing people, they are outgoing, funny, impatient, and have anger issues, do not get on a Capricorn’s bad side because they do not forgive easily. Once you break there trust it’s hard to go back, Capricorn’s are great in bed, they have an amazing body but they won’t admit it ever, they would make a great porn star or private stripper, and they usually have guys/ girls drooling over them all the time.

Boy #1: bro I had the best sex with her.
Boy #2: that’s because shes a Capricorns .. I wish I could fuck someone that is a Capricorns

by Realtalk3356829( February 4, 2020

57👍 7👎


People who are Capricorns are gorgeous, hot, savage, sassy, kind, helpful and loyal. They are actually not boring at all. Once you get to know them better, they will start to show their goofy side. You are either their bestie or their worst enemy. They like getting attention but not too much as they dont want people to think that they are attention seekers. They are pretty stubborn as they dont like people telling them what to do. They can also come off as very sarcastic when pissed off or angry.

person 1: she's so hot and a savage! I bet she is a Capricorn

by falash October 18, 2019

30👍 3👎