Source Code


Word also meaning, "cool." This term recently arose in the New York City area as a slang term for not only physical money but for meaning, "awesome," or, "nice."

"yo u going to smoke?"
"Yea, son wbu?"
"Of course ma nigga."
"Thas cash."

by MrCa$h January 4, 2014

82๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


Alternative to money. Like money, the term is used to describe anything that one might find especially favorable or pleasing.

Synthesized etymology: Much like with the colloquial expression "money in the bank," the target of discussion is being likened to the desirability of cash.

You're going out with a Playmate of the Month..?
Dude-- that's cash.

by J Monty Rivers December 27, 2003

362๐Ÿ‘ 204๐Ÿ‘Ž


good, beastly, mad fresh, ill

blackburn:i bet i can shoot this paper into the trash can
brad:dude, that shot was cash

by j-rob mad fresh April 24, 2010

262๐Ÿ‘ 145๐Ÿ‘Ž

No Cash

A gritty crust punk band from Nazareth, PA. Although included in the Lo-Cash family of music, the band was distinctively separate from the Crack Rock Steady Seven and did not originate from C-Squat. The band utlizied piercing, fast metal and punk riffs with a fast combination of screaming, clean vocals, and borderline rapping. Producing only one full length CD, "Run Your Pockets", the band also did a 7" split with Team Spider, "Summertime in the City." Unfortunately the band has since broken up and little is known what proejcts (if any) the members are working on.

Too bad No Cash broke up, it would have been nice to see them live.

by Suburban Riot September 3, 2005

252๐Ÿ‘ 138๐Ÿ‘Ž


A rap group that is pronounced "Cash Money" that has released 1 album and is working on the second. The second one is called 'Zimmermann'. The first one is self titled with the tracks such as, 'Billy's Got A...', 'Yo Mama Is A Dyke', and 'Feathered Hat (feat. We Are McElheny)'. Cash$$'s third album is going to be titled 'Dreyfuss' and has a track on it called 'Titties, Titties, Fuck Now (TTFN)'. The members of Cash$$ are: Lava, Mudslide, Robinhood, and Cumshot.

Example 1:

Person 1: "Did you see that Cumshot chick from the band Cash$$?'
Person 2: "Yeah, she's so hot!"

Example 2:

Person 1: "What was that badass song called?"
Person 2: "It's called, 'Yo Mama Is A Dyke' by Cash$$."

by cash$$ June 29, 2010

28๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


When all of the Marijuana in the bowl of a smoking utensil has been burned, so that all that remains is ashes.

The pipe's cashed, lets reload it.

by Tank Lomax March 17, 2003

112๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž


Cash is a dude with a big dick usually hangs with some weird dudes but he is sexy AF. He is a key member of TMG

That dude is half as hot as cash

by Pogue FL April 24, 2020

10๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž