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catapult the propaganda

To promote acceptance of lies/damn lies/statistics, through repetition and assisted by the blind obedience and willful omissions of the lapdogs posing as "independent" media.

"See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda."
-President George W Bush, Greece, NY, May 24, 2005

by Darren Dirt June 8, 2005

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Australian Catapult

When mdma in pill form is placed around halfway down the tip of the penis, after which, oral sex is performed on the male, so that as he ejaculates the mdma into his partner's mouth and they trip balls.

Man 1: Did you know Australia has the highest use of mdma per capita?
Man 2: Yeah it also has the highest use of Australian Catapults per capita.

Woman 1: Ooo did you and Darren get naughty last night?
Woman 2: Sure did. Gave him the old Australian Catapult.

by maxwellfishwell March 4, 2019

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midnight catapult

When you are doing a chick doggystyle, you aim yourself so your back is to an open window. As soon as you finish, roll backwards and throw her out the window.

That bitch was given me shit yesterday, so I gave her the midnight catapult.

by chimmey April 2, 2008

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Cleaveland Catapult

This is preformed by a male having anal sex with his partner doggy-style. The male removes his penis from the anus trying to catch fecal chunks on the bottom of the penis. Next he pulls the penis back creating a catapault, taps his partners back, and releases as they turn around. Usually the male aims at the face in a scoring type fashion. Extra points are awarded for hitting mouth, nose, and eyes (Caution: Eye shots can cause pink eye.)

Jake Steed: Last night was awesome I cleaveland catapulted this girl and hit both eyes

by Trav-O March 1, 2008

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cock catapult

at the brink of blowing your load on your partner's face...hold the erect penis against your belly and release it at the same time of orgasm slinging jizz all over your partner's face

"dude, i gave your sister the cock catapult last night, great success!"

by t_hic50 April 14, 2009

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Polish Catapult

An intimate act where the giver rips it into a bucket for a long period. This is done the majority of the bucket is full. Then the bucket is dumped upon the receiver. This can be done Ice Bucket Challenge style yourself or by the giver heaving it onto the receiver.

I can't wait to give Andrew a Polish Catapult later!

by FettFan August 10, 2022

Catapulting Kittens

A group of idiots who do stunts, skits and other things all to mkae others laugh.

When googled videos of Catapulting Kittens can be found.

by Editor man March 3, 2008

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