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Typically considered a douche bag name, causing the good chads trials and tribulations. Don't be a douche Chad!

Don't be a Chad.

by CandiB June 19, 2018

93πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž


A narcissistic pathological liar with sociopathic tendencies. Has a tendency to tell stories that are completely untrue to perpetuate lies about people he claims are his friends and lies about his own life to ellicit emotions, like sympathy and envy, from his friends. He is intelligent enough that it takes a while to catch on to his lies. Often, there is no point to his lies - he tells them just to tell them.

That guy is such a Chad. I can't believe we didn't question his lies!

by SociopathHater February 5, 2010

1934πŸ‘ 1484πŸ‘Ž


Chapped Hole And Dick.

Dude, those fags Darin and Samuel had anal so long, they both got a chad!

by KOCK_iiN_MOUTH_KWEEN June 3, 2007

1039πŸ‘ 790πŸ‘Ž


(noun) the dirrect opposite of a chode. it is a dick that is long and skinny.
(adj) to describe something (usualy a person) who is extremely tall and skinny

Mary loves chads because she can put them in her mouth better than a fat chode

Check out that Chad over there, hes so skinny and lanky I could break him over my knee

by Davebrochill June 8, 2007

819πŸ‘ 628πŸ‘Ž


big douche you will ever meet

what a chad

by Leo Hummrich May 9, 2018

213πŸ‘ 159πŸ‘Ž


being a fucking retard

β€œyou’re a fucking chad”

by needababysitter May 21, 2019

736πŸ‘ 589πŸ‘Ž


Being basic as shit in a certain environment. Referring to the absolute epitome of being a bitch at a party or drinking event.

Dude you were such a chad last night at wibs when you made us leave early to go to the burrito man.

by bdamship September 30, 2014

124πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž