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Cable Chatter

The rancorous, full contact , and often brazenly partisan haranguing displayed on cable news networks (i.e. CNN, MSNBC, FOX NEWS). The phrase was popularized by President Obama during an NBC interview.

Olbermann: Lets cut the Cable Chatter and get serious. America needs real solutions.

Hannity: cut taxes...cut taxes....

Olbermann: But America needs to fund road repairs and medicaid.

Hannity: Cut Taxes... Ronald Reagan...Cut taxes...

Olbermann: But public schools and Veteran Hospitals?

Hannity: CUT TAXES!!! Democrats are SOCIALISTS!!!! Reaaaaagaaaaaan!!!!

by sounds elcectic June 4, 2009

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butt chatter

when you rip a fart that makes your butt cheeks flap together as if ripping or clapping

after ripping a fart"dude that was some serious wicked butt chatter!"

by famished April 5, 2009

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when two straight male friends are hanging out somewhere like a casual night. they are relatively comfortable with each other and start to talk about any thing. eventually they start to talk about their personal and sexual lives and might ask qusetions like; "what hand do you jerk off with?", "how many times a week do you jerk off?" most times the two people get so comfortable with each other the end of the conversation results in the two friends hooking-up or jerking off.

Chad and Steve were hanging out when their night turned into a chatter-fuck.

by anonymous4321e November 18, 2009

chatter box

someone who dosnt shut up

dat bitch is a chatter box!!

by mikey baby December 26, 2006

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Yahoo Chatter

One that sits on the computer for countless hours in yahoo chat rooms, usually can see many of the same people in the same rooms for days on end. Alot of chatters even meet together for "gatherings" or "chat parties". these people generally have no life away from the computer.

"he's gone to hang out with the yahoo chatters this weekend"

"crazy dumbass yahoo chatters"

by Tony Montana July 13, 2004

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Serial Chatter

Someone who only wants to chat/text on social media sites and hook up apps, but never wants to meet in real life. This person always texts you saying how handsome, sexy, or how beautiful you are. However when the time comes to finally meet in person, they always decline because they can not host, travel, drive, or go out after dark because they are scared. This type of person is a total loser, and only enjoys playing games online in real life.

Fernando is a Serial Chatter because he texts me constantly on Tinder, but can never meet me because he claims he can not leave his mother alone at home.

by Charles Tomley August 14, 2016

Cup Chatter

The noise created while sucking through a straw at the bottom of an empty drink, it represents the need of a refill.

Ahh man my straw is makin cup chatter, I need to go get a refill

When your drinking a soda from MacDonalds or some resturant that has straws and you here the noise (Cup Chatter), right when you here it you know you need a refill

by Dixe Normous February 9, 2006