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the beleif of cheating isnt always physical yes if you kiss,touch in any inappropriate way thats cheating but theres also emontionally cheating or cyber cheating if your going online talking to other ppl showing the pics of your body of giving them the impression that your capiable of a hook up in anyway when you have a girlfriend or boyfriend is cheating cheating could also be defined emotionally as when your significant other spends more time with someone of the oppisite sex instead of with you

xxxlillover:can i see a picture of whats underneath that?
manimcrazy:sure why not?
-cyber cheating-shouldnt do that

jake tells sandra hes going to call her back and instead he goes out all night and doesnt call her until the next day and ignored her when she called common signs of a cheater
-emotionally cheating- thats death to a relationship

erica has a boyfriend of 3 months and goes out one night with her ex-boyfriend she gives him a blowjob and then says i cant do this well guess what thats still cheating

by deathiswhatmynameis February 12, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


having fun, see example below:

"I was having fun with bob's test answers." "I was having fun with your best friend." "I was having fun in that video game."

by The Evil One April 7, 2005

35๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. What the rich and powerful do.
2. What you have done at one point or another in your life.

Cheating usually breaks the rules. Cheating also consists of lying most times in order to get what is desired. This is why cheaters live in the land of milk and honey and the honest/book smart are just barely getting by.

Name any person who is successful, rich, or powerful and I guarantee you they "cheated" in some way to get there.

Here are a few examples:

Christopher Columbus (Rapist)
Richard Nixon (Watergate)
Ronald Reagan (Drug Dealer, Reaganomics)
George Bush Sr. and Jr. (Oil, Terrorism)
Bill Gates (Windows)
Solomon Smith and Barney
Dick Cheney
Donald Trump
Martha Stewart (Insider Trading)
Milli Vanilli (Lip Syncing)
Vanilla Ice (Making money off David Bowie and Mc Hammer)
Tonya Harding (Conspiracy to harm Nancy Kerrigan)
P. Diddy (Theft/Overuse of samples, Bribery)
Kanye West (Overuse of samples)
Any successful mainstream rapper

by Black Oasis March 7, 2007

18๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


Getting extra marks for cunning.

"I hear the teacher caught you cheating on the test"
"Yeah, apparently they don't allow extra marks for cunning."

by Sqrrl101 May 7, 2005

21๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


when your (now ex) boyfriend goes to a friend's house and gets "drunk" and "high" and let's a girl he doesn't even know fuck him . knowing damn well you'll find out, he just admits it straight up and gives the excuse that he was too stoned to remember what happened or too drunk to know what he got himself into. therefore, leading to your breakup.

My boyfriend went to someone's house and fucked his friend's cousin. Uh oh, looks like cheating.

by thinkinglikeagirl April 24, 2019

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Simply put, gaining an unfair advantage over the competition.

A racing car has an almost flat piece of material (usually carbon fibre) which is positionad flat, at (almost "on") the side of the car just behind the rear wheels, i think the purpose of this item, known as a barge board is to deflect air into the side pod of the car and to deflect air from the front wheel into a more managable, useable state through the side pod partly to stop the air from finding it`s own less aerodynamic way over and or under the car, which would also if i remember correctly aid stability of the car.
Ferrari at (iirc) 1999 Malaysian Grand Prix were accused of using barge boards which were too large, 10mm to large, 10mm or was it 5mm? either way in engineering terms is a lifetime.
Can we call this fair? i doubt it, but would we be able to call it cheating?
you make up your own mind, search the web for facts!
As the Fia did not fine Ferrari then Ferrari have not been cheating here then.

by stevejowen September 15, 2007

14๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a woman who is either overweight to begin with, or who has recently gained weight, shows off or brags/complains about the size of her breasts.

Though it's seldom intentional on the part of the "cheater", all girls who have large breasts due to excess adipose tissue throughout their bodies are (rather chauvansitically) said to be "cheating".

Morgana: Man, this top totally shows off my 44F rack. I am so unbelievably sexy.

Kevin: No, you're so blatantly cheating.

by cosmo November 3, 2006

26๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž