Source Code

vaginal clearance

Access to a particular set of information granted on the basis of having a vagina.

Nora: Sorry Andy, that's classified.
Andy: Pssh, classified schmassified, I have a clearance.
Katilynn: Haha, what gives you clearance?
Andy: Haha c'mon I know you both love me, don't fight it. But if you must know, it was the TSA.
Katilynn: Bahhaha you have to have a vagina to know this business :) sorry Andy.
Nora: Vaginal clearance is required.

by n3lson March 14, 2011

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Clearance Shot

When you are so turned on during masturbation that you blow your entire load in one sitting, effectively making it painful to masturbate the rest of the day. In other words, in one shot you've cleared your load

"Did you and Jessica do it?"
"Nah man she teased me and I went into the bathroom and had a total clearance shot"

by Mr. John Chu July 26, 2016

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Clearance Rack

1: A classification of people who are considered less than substandard to date or hook up with due to looks, income, or personality.

2: The people who hang out at the bar after it has cleared out.

If I can't hook up with Jane tonight I will have to shop the clearance rack by the door.

If he dumps me now I will have to start shopping the clearance rack again.

by Cashew December 8, 2007

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clearance from the tower

Getting permission from your wife/girlfriend to do something fun with your friends and not her

I'd love to go to the bar Friday, but I need to get clearance from the tower first.

by Kiki McWeb October 31, 2007

Clearance Only Clothes

Clothes that are only magically seen on the clearance rack. Ussually found in the form of ugly fuzzy sweaters or animal print pants. These clothes are never ever sold at normal price or displayed in conspicuous areas.

"OMG this is a 75% clearance rack!" Susie

"Yay! Let's check it out!" Jill

"Oh damn this is all clearance only clothes." Susie

"I think my Grandma has this sweater." Jill

by Becky Sweenie April 15, 2007

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security clearance erosion

when the things you did in privacy from government technology becomes exposed after a certain time

The security clearance erosion made the politician have family problems later in their career.

by Coop Dupe November 19, 2019

Clearance/rockland crush

The absolute most stud team in Canada, they will crush you entirely and burn your team with there fire colours. They’re overall too swagy to even exist, 520/20 #betterthangrads #bescared

If you think you’re good and swagy just wait until you see and play the clearance/rockland Crush

by Crushing it December 24, 2021