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Stream of Consciousness

A form of speech where the person speaking dumps all their thoughts out unfiltered, unedited and completely.

"I went to see my mom yesterday and she would not stop talking. She just kept going on and on about EVERY thought she had. I was drowning in the stream of consciousness she threw at me for an hour."

by somedudewithaword April 26, 2014

buckbuckbuck consciousness

A term coined by a woman living in a seaside town in California where she realized that listening to the neighborhood chickens was a great way to meditate.

I begin each day attuning myself to the chickens as they make their wonderful sounds and so I call my resulting happiness buckbuckbuck consciousness!

by Dr Bunnygirl May 27, 2021

Collective Consciousness

One of the best songs in Metal gear ever, played when fighting Senator Armstrong

The unenlightened masses
They cannot make the judgment call
Give up free will forever
Their voices won't be heard at all
Display obedience
While never stepping out of line
And blindly swear allegiance
Let your country control your mind
Live in ignorance
And purchase your happiness
When blood and sweat is the real cost
Thinking ceases, the truth is lost
Don't you worry
You'll be told exactly what to do
I give my people the lives they need
The righteous will succeed
The fires of greed will burn the weak
So we'll make freedom obsolete
Making whole the fabric of society
Collective consciousness controlled as you will see
Let your country control your soul
Let your country control your soul
Let your country control your soul
Let your country control your soul

by ChefArmstrongFromMGR:R May 23, 2022

16πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Christ consciousness

The consciousness of the Original Human mentioned in the Gosple Of Mary, initiated by a conviction of truth of existence and a disregard for all belief that implies basic limitation.

It’s one thing if he chooses to be conscious awareness but, another if he chooses Christ consciousness.

by TheRealSpiritMan January 18, 2023


an act in which everybody succumbs to, though few are willing to admit, but instead notices it in everyone else.

Her level of self-consciousness is appalling! Why can't she be more like me, and see that beauty is skin deep! Oh by the way, what do you think of my outfit? Over-dressed? And am I wearing too much perfume? Most importantly, do my shoes match?

by kmarie- June 2, 2009

26πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The capacity to understand the relationship between what you do and what you love.

Stan: Brad, I kill the things I love.
Brad: Better get yourself some Consciousness!

by hipstar December 12, 2013

1πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

collective consciousness


expounds a predisposed mindset, view or directive imposed upon the social group collective by subversive and coercive means. A measure at times implemented in an attempt at coercing and as such manipulating state elections and also a societies moral and social compass.

In Democracies primarily where the voice of its citizens via the Ballot Box define the state's policies etc. , the collective consciousness measure is a primary tool used by the state so to dictate upon the people a predisposed state desired outcome.

by Baron Neville July 18, 2019