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cornfield hustlin'

Rural Caucasians that misguidedly imitate inner city gang lifestyles.

That farm boy is cornfield hustlin' with that new bass stereo from Wal-mart.

by Michael Brooks October 8, 2006

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cornfield confession

A confession of something that happened in a cornfield or a confession in a cornfield. Also most likely a Florida Georgia Line song.

Guy 1: I have a cornfield confession
Guy 2: Like the one Florida Georgia Line sings about?

by Big dogg daddy November 8, 2017

rejoice in the cornfield

To celebrate, merry making, usully non-sexual, having a good time with a purpose.

After work tonight would uou like to rejoice in the cornfield.

There was much rejoicing in the cornfield after the footyball final

by Nards_otc September 30, 2007

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Muddy Cornfield

When you encounter a female with an unshaven anus and has fieces particles left over in her "fuzziness" and has corn pieces stuck in it.

Squiggly Bob ran across a muddy cornfield when he ran his fingers through the girls ass.

by Roooopppert March 19, 2010

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Cornfield Pimpin'

term used for an individual with a midwest background that has similar characteristics of that of a "pimp", "playa", or "balla". Midwesterner who exhibits confidence and experience with easily getting favorable attention from the opposite sex.

-"Toby's got hella girls feening on him!

-How does he do that?
-It's that cornfield pimpin' son"

by cheesy sarah October 4, 2009

Cornfield Pussy

A coochie that smells like a mixture of sweat and shit.

Yeah I was straight dogging this bitch then I got a whiff of some cornfield pussy and I was done

by Rookielazer November 23, 2018

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cornfield ass nigga

Cornfield ass nigga referring to a lame no one

See mark he a cornfield ass nigga no one know him

by Nahhh August 10, 2017