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A conservative that has been made Donald Trump's cuckold. A conservative that once opposed Trump but has been subjugated by Trump to submit to him his alt-right movement.

Ted Cruz was ridiculed by Donald Trump and had his wife demeaned by Donald Trump. As in: Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham are cuckservative.

by William Seremak January 12, 2021

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NOUN An american political pejorative, aimed primarily towards the more moderate or liberal wings of conservatism by more right-wing individuals within the West. Is also a trend among the alt-right.

A: Hey guys, I'm an american conservative but I don't like the west-
B: You Cuckservative

by Idot11111 May 16, 2021

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Term that Alt-Rightards use to make fun of regular conservatives

OMG, he’s not a racist who will kill every Democrat voter, what a cuckservative

by SomeRandomUrbDicBruv June 15, 2022