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Cutters are often very misunderstood. They are not trying to commit suicide, which is a popular belief, they're trying to save themselves. They know there might be something out there worth living for. These people have so much depression or anger that they take it out on themselves. Whether they can't share their emotions or don't have anyone to listen to them. It's kept a secret and true cutters never or rarely show their cuts. Sometimes they're embarrassed by what they do because they just want to be happy and don't want people to think there is something wrong with them. Cutting can happen anywhere on the body and by anything... knife, razor, etc. It doesn't contain itself to one group of people, another popular belief is that only emo kids do it. Cutters are everywhere and they're not always the quiet emo kids.
A fad that has come around is fake cutters. They usually make little scratch marks on their arms and then pull their sleeves up as often as possible to make people feel sorry for them. These are troubled people too because they starve for attention and distract from the seriousness of cutting.
Cutters need a lot of help, they need therapy, otherwise they'll end up tearing up there whole body. Most non-cutters can't relate to cutters because they haven't felt the pain they have. These people often become cold, belittle cutters, and are too arrogant to be able to relate. Instead they form stereotypes about them.

I know all of this about cutters because I am a recovering cutter. It's extremely difficult to get past, I have scars all over, but I desperatly wanted to be able to walk around with out being covered head to toe. Someday, I hope my scars will disappear and it's so hard to fall back into too. I don't expect people to always understand, but I just wish the stereotypes would go away. I wish any cutter luck and to hopefully find a way to get better.

by MaryOfNazareth May 30, 2005

25๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Hey all you fucktards out there! Seriously, cutting is a big thing if its for real. A cutter is someone who is going through too too much and has no way to deal with it, so they take it into their own hands. Or they've done so much and been through so much that they've numbed themselves to the pain. They feel dead. They're like walking shells of people, and they cut to see the blood and feel the pain that means they are ALIVE. Trust me...was one for a few years. Not the best way to cope, but some have no choice.

Heres your bloody definition
Cutter - someone who cuts themselves to relieve emotional pain.

When my aunt died 4/17/05 and I was coerced into sex with a boy who was 16 and I was 13. When huffing no longer took the pain away, nor did drinking, I started cutting and became anorexic. I was a cutter.

by BlackxHeartxAngel January 20, 2006

729๐Ÿ‘ 411๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who cuts to releve pain, weather it be from torment at school, their sexuality or any other thing that can cause social, and mental pain. people who cut are just normal people, or at least some of them. some want to be gothic, or punk, but most are normal, walk around in normal cloths, and try to cover up the scars. attention cutters will walk around with scars uncovered, bleeding etc. etc.

im a cutter, but not an attention cutter, i walk around in a pair of jeans a tee shirt, and a jacket. if u got problems with it take it up with managment, GOD

by shinigami_the_god_of_death October 22, 2006

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the jerk who jumps to the front of the line while everybody waits. they have many tactics, including the infamous "walk up and talk to a friend, then suddenly become part of the line". they are despised by many, but confronted by few.

guy 1 (after waiting five minutes) - look at that guy, he's innocently talking to his buddy at the front of the line
guy 2 - he's not talking to his friends, he's taking cuts! he's a cutter!

by boyioughttaslapyou May 25, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


for some reason, self-injury has become associated with "emo's", which makes no sence at all as emo is quite a new thing, but people have been cutting for way longer than the trend has been about.
cutting is often a sighn of deeper mental problems. some people cut for attention, and people tend to look down on these people, but in my opinion, if they are realy willing to cut themselves to get attention, then i think they deserve it, but people who cut themselves to try and fit in with the "emo" trend just annoy me.
people who dont cut for attention try to cover it up as best they can, which if really dificult, especialy in summer. cutting helps relieve emotional pain, many cutters cannot explain why they cut, but it just...makes them feel beter.
NOT ALL CUTTERS WANT TO DIE. and that may be hard for you to understand, but it is true.

yes, i am a cutter. but i walk around in jeans, a t-shirt and a hoody. no one knows except one or two of my freinds, they dont talk about it. so dont even think about saying that all cutters cut for attention.

by s9uit December 23, 2007

31๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person, most commonly a girl in their teens, who has been through so much in their lives that crying (or sometimes they just can't cry)or any other form of emotional release becomes inefficient, therefore they resort to self-injury (aka self-mutilation, self-harm), but not intended to be a form of suicide. Self-injury is usually a sign of a serious mental disorder such as depression or bipolar, and caused from traumatic events such as death, sexual or verbal abuse, or low self-esteem.

Usually, proof of this behavior is well-hidden by wearing long sleeves and pants. Most self-injurers do not advertise their injuries. There is a such thing as 'attention cutters', or people who injure themselves just so others will feel sorry for them. Attention cutters usually purposely talk about their actions and make it seem almost like something they're proud of.

Cutters are often given the label of emo or goth, only because people are too ignorant to see that these people actually have pretty messed up lives. These stereotypes usually push these kids to want to hurt themselves more severely, thus those who have such narrow-minded views on cutters should shut their mouths and care about their own sorry lives.

"I hear she used to be a cutter, but since her family intervened, she's been to a counselor and is now on anti-depressants."

Stereotyped View: "Look at her over there, you can just tell she's a cutter because she has no friends and listens to emo music and wears black makeup."

by ximafake February 13, 2006

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No, we are not "attention seeking" or "trying to kill ourselves" It's a way out of all our pain. All of you who judge us, you don't know anything about our lives or who the hell we are. Do you? I believe that is a big fat, NO. Do not start telling us we're attention seeking, If we were why would be shy away if you spot them, why do we wear long sleeves? Why the chunky wrist bands and bracelets? It's not a cry for attention, but a release from all you judge mental little idiots.

What the hell gives you the right too do that? You have no idea what you're talking about, come back to me when you've cut up half your body and been through everything we've been through.

Judge mental idiots- You're such an attention seeker, Kill yourself and get it done with.

cutters- I don't cut too die, I cut for control, a release.

by unic0rnpukee December 5, 2011

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